Well-known member
Just an FYI, when I took drivers ed in HS, they did show some graphic videos of people all mangled and dead in car wrecks...most of them drunk driving incidents.
I still remember them quite well and I'm glad they showed them.
As to your arguments regarding "liberty" and "freedom" to smoke, drink like a skid-row bum, etc.
Hell I agree with you...I also think that people who want the freedom to smoke, do drugs, drink in excess, etc. should be denied health insurance. They're so much smarter than everyone else, they should be smart enough to pay for the treatment of their "freedoms".
I'm tired of my insurance premiums having to be increased year after year because of others "freedoms"...
Freedom isnt "free"...and when your "freedoms" infringe on mine, and I have to pay for them....there is a problem.
Smoke all you want, drink all you want, do all the drugs you want...but fuggin' dont ask me to pay for your crap choices. Drink and drive and kill someone...IMO, thats premeditated murder...I'd seek the death penalty on that.
Get in a wreck while driving drunk, call your friends or family to help you, I dont want my tax dollars paying to send an EMT, ambulance, etc. to save your drunk ass. You're smart enough to excercise your "freedom" to drink and drive...you should be smart enough to figure out how to get yourself out of trouble.
Smoke and develop lung cancer, emphysema, etc....great, either pay out of pocket for treatment or die, I couldnt give a shit less.
People need to own their choices and "freedoms"...few do. They whine about individual freedoms, yet expect society to cover their poor choices once they develop a problem from their freedom to choose.
Fuggin' hypocrits...and largely dont deserve the freedoms they have.
Buzz, some good points. The state of Ohio used to produce color films of the results of traffic accidents which were used in driver's ed courses around the country. My hometown used to pull the wrecked cars from fatality wrecks to a certain lot in town so people could go by and see the results. No attempt was made to clean off the blood or gore from the wreck, and you can believe it made an impression on the local teenagers.
However, at no point did I advocate or defend anyone's right or "freedom" to drink drive or use drugs, nor did I use the word "freedom" in either post, yet you used it eleven times with six being placed in quotation marks, so I'm assuming that you're referring to hypothetical people who defend their choices without condition, although the reference to these people being "hypocrites" leaves me to wonder if I'm being painted with that same brush. Please clarify, as I have no intention of entering into a name calling session or pi--ing contest.