
Smokeless powder crystallized


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2011
So today has been an eye opening experience to say the least. My group of friends has had a men's yard sale for a few years now in Sept. Today I was going through some stuff to round up sale items. Opened my wooden box containing mostly powder and primers in the laundry room and noticed an odd smell. First thought was cleaning supplies had leaked but it had a different smell I felt. Looked inside the box to find this! Never heard of seen this.
Have any of you guys experienced anything like this before? If so possible cause of this to happen and ways to prevent this again? I've stored powders for years and haven't had this issue before.
Never had that happen and I used to have some seriously old powders. That's a relatively new jug to be degrading like that.

You sure it's not something else growing on it?

I think I'd change in your storage system to a plastic tote with lid and move it out of laundry. I know you mentioned you've been doing it for years but that seems like potential for moisture
Never had that happen and I used to have some seriously old powders. That's a relatively new jug to be degrading like that.

You sure it's not something else growing on it?

I think I'd change in your storage system to a plastic tote with lid and move it out of laundry. I know you mentioned you've been doing it for years but that seems like potential for moisture
It's definitely nitrate crystals. I have three friends who are bomb techs. One is coming out in the morning to destroy it for me. I did not enjoy moving it to the sunroom twenty feet from the kitchen counter to separate it from the other supplies. It was a covid shortage purchase and hadn't been used. The bottle did have a bad seal I noticed once I bought it and got it home that day. I wouldn't think that would be a huge deal though but who knows.
So this morning once I climbed out of bed I checked out the powder again. Around half of the crystals were gone and you could see sweating around the area.

My buddy arrived around 8am and hooked his fancy analyzer thinga ma bobber near the crystals without a reading. He then felt we were dealing with salt crystals. So he moved the container to the back deck. There he removed the lid after some closer inspection. The chemical stench was quite strong at that point. The top layer of the powder appeared copper in color versus black. Directly under the top layer powder was normal in color. Poured powder was almost sticky like into the lid. He placed it in his explosive container for transportation to the bunker for destruction.

Shortly afterwards the powder manufacturer contacted me back and we found out the product was on a recall list. (local supplier sold the product to me a good year or two years after the recall during powder shortages) Not to happy about that but crap happens. The manufacturer is making it right with refunds. Sad part is now that refund only pays for a pound versus two pounds with today's prices.

Copy of recall check your stash guys and gals!


  • Recall Notice-2.pdf
    196.6 KB · Views: 2
Last edited:
Please get this on video.
I've actually witnessed several of these. A pound of powder is surprisingly quite powerful. I felt like an idiot after moving it yesterday before thinking. Just wanted it away from the other 4lbs and primers.
Tech was telling me he just blew 800lbs of bad powder a few weeks ago. Placed in 200lb charges and it was enough to detonate the following charges once the first charge went bang with 50ft of separation between charges.
So this morning once I climbed out of bed I checked out the powder again. Around half of the crystals were gone and you could see sweating around the area.

My buddy arrived around 8am and hooked his fancy analyzer thinga ma bobber near the crystals without a reading. He then felt we were dealing with salt crystals. So he moved the container to the back deck. There he removed the lid after some closer inspection. The chemical stench was quite strong at that point. The top layer of the powder appeared copper in color versus black. Directly under the top layer powder was normal in color. Poured powder was almost sticky like into the lid. He placed it in his explosive container for transportation to the bunker for destruction.

Shortly afterwards the powder manufacturer contacted me back and we found out the product was on a recall list. (local supplier sold the product to me a good year or two years after the recall during powder shortages) Not to happy about that but crap happens. The manufacturer is making it right with refunds. Sad part is now that refund only pays for a pound versus two pounds with today's prices.

Copy of recall check your stash guys and gals!
That PDF doesn't look like a recall to me?
That PDF doesn't look like a recall to me?
Correct I guess more of a warning. Also after contacts with the company DO NOT place in water to dampen the product. They have had explosions once the powder reacts with chemicals within the powder once placed into water, so we were told.
Call your local bomb tech to deal with this stuff.
I was more curious about what products were impacted by the recall?
Oh man sorry I just realized I mistakenly uploaded the wrong document. Have no idea why I did that three were sent to me. Here is the actual recall and products to look at.


  • Recall Notice-2.pdf
    196.6 KB · Views: 9
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