Smart Wool Sock's


New member
Dec 11, 2000
If anyone is looking at buying new socks for the up comming season, these are something to try.
These are the best socks I have found.
The dont itch,they keep there shape, they wash & dry up real nice,they dont bunch up at the toe's of your boot's.
They come in different weight's and size's,
I found these to be the best sock's I have tryed,I have a smaller foot and finding GOOD QUITLY hunting sock's & Boot's has always been a challange.
I think I have tryed everything out there
over the year's.
These are all we buy now.
By layering them with a liner and buying different weight's we are set for all types of weather.
I have some of the mid weight ones and they are great. It's like having another insole in your boot.
What's a Smart Wool Sock? Is that a brand name or a fabric? (You have to Kentucky boys don't wear socks much. ;) )
Sorry Darren, It wool from the merino sheep.
So the socks are made from Merino Wool mixed with like lycra & spandax (I think)
Its the Merion wool that make them so good.
from what I read the fibers on that sheep a different the ( normal ?)sheep ,whatever a Normal sheep is LOL
The inside of these sock's are soft and cushie .
Smart Wool was the first one's (brand name ) that I saw ,now other companys are making stuff from Merino wool.
It gets me excited just thinking about those sock's :eek: unlike some of the others on this board that get excited thinking about thoses Sheep ;)
I'll have to get the hubby some of those. He bought some socks once that the salesman said had kevlar threads interwoven. He swears by these socks but the place went out of business and he hasn't been able to find them since. He moans about that all the time. Personally I think the salesman was full of it but if anyone has heard of socks like these, for goodness sake please tell me where to get some. I have to admit it, nearly 8 years later he still has these things, and in pretty good repair. Think that is why the place went out of business?
is it possible to get those socks around Indiana or do I need to orde rfrom somewhere. SOunds like a great gift for the hubby.
huntrluvr- Check out Dunham's or Galyan's when you get to Indy sometime. I know that Cabelas has them. Trent would like 'em.
That's pretty much the same thing, Smart Wool is just the name brand. They are VERY comfy.
Thats the stuff :D :D
I havent tried the Cabales brand but I have the Smart wool Brand, REIs verision.
All good stuff ,Im sure cabelas is good ,I have had great luck with the stuff i have gotten on line through them.
Mojave, I havent seen any socks like you talking about,could it of been made with Goretex?
I tried some of the Neoprene,the polorfleece ,ragwool .
All I have now is Merino wool and liners.
That has served me well in Idaho during all the seasons and areas we hunt.
Bridgedales from Ireland and Thurlos from ?
Janet wears wigwams cause she has skinny little feet

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