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Slydog-Pup Howler

Blaine Eddy

New member
Jun 25, 2003
Clfd UT
Just thought i'd mention, last wed and thurs I took 11 Coyotes, 4 of which I used my slydog-pup howler to bring in, they wer'nt going for the dying rabbit thing so i imitated an immature smart ass coyote, threw a couple higher pitched howls and barks at em and they came on it, its a damn nice call and is pitched perfectly.
Just having your endorsement speaks volumes for any coyote call! Congrats on the great season so far! Share some pictures and a story with us when you get a chance!
You crack me up Doug, but thanks bud just the same. I have'nt figured out yet how to post pictures, i'll have to get Ian on it! Since my Tranny has been busted i have been out in the Fur Shed puttin up Fur, so far i've got 48 put up and man they look nice, Rick and i will easily hit the 200 mark this Season, but hunting will be tough as hell from here on out as we just got slammed with a Big Snow storm which will negatively impact our access, and lord how i hate Snowshoes.
I can't take all the credit. see them sly-pup howlers are a joint venture. Pup makes the voices and I do the rest. I'm very glad your having such good success with our Howler and when you get done puttin up your fur, load up and come help with mine,,,LOL

Had to go get a new fleshing board as my son-in-law has been using my 17 year old board as a target,,,
I was so PI$$ED... What would you have done to him??? my daughter almost became a widdow. But then I would get her and all her crap back,,,,I thought about this for a long time and decided to just go get a new board. They sure don't build them like they used to.

If you get your tranny fixed and still have any time are you comming back to Idaho???

Later everyone

No Jason,
He got more Christmas money than I did and bought a new Savage .223 w/ acu-trigger and a new Lupie and was sighting it in.

at least he's buying guns and not dope.

Heres one for ya Sly, when my little girl was about 5 years old, i was sanding on something or other in the basement, she decided to help her daddy out and proceeded to sand the door of my 2 week old Browning Gun Safe in the living room using 80grit paper, when i saw her and the great job she was doing i almost passed out, i told her that she had done a plenty good job and that she could go outside and play with her older brother now, she said to me: I'm glad you're happy with how it looks daddy and if you like i can do the rest, I responded: thats ok hunny you did a very good job and i'll finish it from here, so now i have an 80 grit sanded hand finish on one of my safe doors. sometimes in life you just have to bite down hard and carry on.
I wish that was all my Dad had done to me when I painted his new Triumph Bonneville 750 for him when I was 5... I'll never forget, as long as I live, that sensation of flying, just befofe I hit the wall

Funny little side topic. When I was about 5 years old, I remember testing out my dad's new socket, wrench, and screwdriver set all over the gas meter. Man, I disassemblified that thing really well. Pops darn near did the same to my hiney!!!!!

By the way, Good Hunting last week!!!

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