Caribou Gear Tarp

Slydog------------ HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Palmyra , IL
Hi! Everybody, it's been awhile. With football season in full bore and I just went out on my own, started my own plumbing business. I haven't had time to do anything even make calls. These kids that are Seniors and juniors, I coached them when they were in the 5th and 6th grade. It's humbling to watch them grow up. Well, we are now 5-1 and already in the playoffs.I hope it keeps going.
I talked my buddy Slydog this morning. He caught me as I was getting ready to leave, just in time. He is doing fine and the youth hunter program has him swamped. AMEN! Him and everyone there is doing good and the kids of the program is batting a 100%.
I pray the proggram never slows down. Not too many people will put out the effort, time and sleepless nights for the education and memories of kids. They truly are the future of this country and if we stand aside and let them go away with no guidance then we can only blame ourselves for what goes wrong. EX: If it only took one person to fight gun control and anti-hunters then we wouldn't need the NRA. One person can't do it alone.
So that how things are going for the program. It is doing good and as far as Sly, he might find the time to catch a breath every now and then.
Everybody take care and keep blasting the yotes. I won't be free for awhile yet and then I will come back and chat.
--- Crow Woman- if you see this I wanted to let you know I saw your book advertised in the Varmint Extereme. AWESOME!!! I hope it does good for you.
Take Care and God Bless,
Thank You Songdog. I hope so too! Newspaper business is hopping too, I now have my own column. It's called, what else but, "As The Crow Flies" When I first started out with the paper, it averaged about two stories a week, now it's up to around 10-12 stories.

To be able to work with the kids would be very rewarding. Super job! I've been focussing this month on Abuse issues mainly, to me, that's rewarding. We all have our own part in this world to add a little magic to

Enjoy and Thank You Again

Crow Woman
Sly left a message on my machine. Just when I was getting worried that his youth hunters had taken him hostage.

I'M alive and frantic,,,,,,,, ever feel like you have a tiger by the tail??? thats me,,LOL

just got back in town today and am headed out in a few min to elk camp but wanted to say Howdy and everyone Smote the Yote,,, I'm at 14 yotes and 4 fox.... good fur year peeps

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