PEAX Equipment

Sling Keeperer - love the idea but skeptical...


Active member
May 22, 2019
East coast for now

Anyone seen this sling keeper product? I love the idea, sling sliding off the shoulder is a nuisance and this seems like a better solution than clipping your sling in with a carabiner or something because it allows you to quickly unsling your rifle.

Only thing I dont like is that it's held in place with a 1/4" screw that goes through the shoulder strap to your pack. I'm reluctant to put a hole through a pack that costs a month's car payment.

Just my opinion. The idea is very good, but I question the weight of the rifle ( lets say 9 pounds) on that stud pulling the shoulder strap of your pack down and away from your shoulder. You can kind of see that in the bottom right picture. That would be bad for me. I run a MR Crew Cab and a Marshall with a Gun Bearer and they both feel so darn good and fit lit a glove. I don't even feel the gun when it is there except for seeing the barrel in my field of vision.
Just get a grippier sling or sling it over your opposite shoulder. I could also see your sling getting hung up on it when trying to pull it off jn a hurry

Seems superfluous to me.
Ted is a great guy! His design has been tested by many and seen a few designs and upgrades.
Check here for some more info. He is a regular member here.
I've had one for two hunting seasons on my pack and it is great! Like cahunter said, he went through a few models before coming up with this one and it works very well. I'ts pretty much a requirement for me now to have one on my pack!
I've had one for two hunting seasons on my pack and it is great! Like cahunter said, he went through a few models before coming up with this one and it works very well. I'ts pretty much a requirement for me now to have one on my pack!
Punching a hole through the strap of your pack doesnt bother you?

I'm not one to baby my gear, but putting a big hole through a load bearing part of my pack just doesnt feel right.
Punching a hole through the strap of your pack doesnt bother you?

I'm not one to baby my gear, but putting a big hole through a load bearing part of my pack just doesnt feel right.

I was very nervous about it, but using a hot nail like he says in the directions melts the fabric around it so it doesn't unravel. In addition, the base of the keeper, as well as the recessed washer on the other side prevent anything from happening to it. I had one for 2 years on the Alpz pack I had. with a lot of miles on it, and just recently put one on my Seek Outside pack and used it during Turkey season. It will get used this fall on a backpack hunt for elk this fall. I see we're in the same area so if you'd like to check it out in person some time, just let me know!
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Anyone seen this sling keeper product? I love the idea, sling sliding off the shoulder is a nuisance and this seems like a better solution than clipping your sling in with a carabiner or something because it allows you to quickly unsling your rifle.

Only thing I dont like is that it's held in place with a 1/4" screw that goes through the shoulder strap to your pack. I'm reluctant to put a hole through a pack that costs a month's car payment.


It works and the guy that makes them in top notch. Buy without fear.

I would also suggest a different car. :D
I had a different style that used a hook and loop strap to attach. It took me on week of using it to get over it. It kept my sling from falling sideways but the rifle would rock itself down in a way that would essentially leave it parallel to the ground all the time. I ended up getting the stone glacier set up for my pack and much prefer it. the weight of the rifle is off my shoulder as well.
I prefer to use a under arm sling. More secure, less movement when you see an animal, better control of your barrel, less likely to fall on your scope...etc etc.
There are many such inventions available on Amazon. I used one similar to the velcro job above. It was okay. I found I needed to reposition it a few times before I had it "just right".

I also used it with a loop on my belt that held the buttstock of my rifle so it did not rest entirely on my shoulder. This was a big improvement.
Nice invention, but looks foolish for the purpose. As one of the posters above said, if the rifle is heavy, it will move the backpack shoulder strap out of alignment causing an even more weird and unweildy position. Just wear it cross-bodied if you want your rifle to stay put and not slip or jump around....ala...a three point sling.
Nice invention, but looks foolish for the purpose. As one of the posters above said, if the rifle is heavy, it will move the backpack shoulder strap out of alignment causing an even more weird and unweildy position. Just wear it cross-bodied if you want your rifle to stay put and not slip or jump around....ala...a three point sling.
'Did not know about the sling keeper, but looks like it works. I attached an excess buckle to top of my MR Metcalf shoulder strap and it keeps my sling where desired for comfort. It does not move the strap out of alignment. Cross-bodied carry is difficult with a pack on your back, nor does it accomodate quick retrieval of rifle.
Might be alright I'd think. Just not for me. I like 1" military type slings and use the Jaeger carry. I'm right handed and rifle sings over my left shoulder, butt up and left hand on the forearm. Really fast to get rifle off and u into shooting position. With that keeper for me the sling would not slide off my shoulder right, would really slow down getting the rifle off the shoulder and put a hitch in getting it mounted.
'Did not know about the sling keeper, but looks like it works. I attached an excess buckle to top of my MR Metcalf shoulder strap and it keeps my sling where desired for comfort. It does not move the strap out of alignment. Cross-bodied carry is difficult with a pack on your back, nor does it accomodate quick retrieval of rifle.

Agreed, cross-body carry is not viable with a backpack on your back.
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