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Do you snore, do you dose during the day? Can you wake the dead with your snoring and then be as still as that dead man. I had all of those symptoms. My friends would try to get to sleep before me when we went on hunting trips, just so they could put up with me. Well, after much prodding by family and friends I had a sleep study done. The results were amazing! I averaged stopping breathing over 100 times per hour! I would go to sleep and my brain would wake me up to take that next breath. I never was getting to that level that they call reem (mspl) sleep, where the brain actually rests and rebuilds the levels of saratonin (probably mspl) which fights off depression. Now they tell me! Friends, they have put me on a C-PAP machine which forces air into my nose and keeps everything open to allow me to sleep without stopping breathing (very important!). I now think clearer (not to everyone's opinion) and I have a lot more energy without dozing off if I am still for any length of time. This condition known as Sleep Apnia (mspl) is quite common and if you see yourself in this topic or you know a friend that does, please schedule one of these test. You'll sleep better for it. Draftstud.