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Sleep Study


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Do you snore, do you dose during the day? Can you wake the dead with your snoring and then be as still as that dead man. I had all of those symptoms. My friends would try to get to sleep before me when we went on hunting trips, just so they could put up with me. Well, after much prodding by family and friends I had a sleep study done. The results were amazing! I averaged stopping breathing over 100 times per hour! I would go to sleep and my brain would wake me up to take that next breath. I never was getting to that level that they call reem (mspl) sleep, where the brain actually rests and rebuilds the levels of saratonin (probably mspl) which fights off depression. Now they tell me! Friends, they have put me on a C-PAP machine which forces air into my nose and keeps everything open to allow me to sleep without stopping breathing (very important!). I now think clearer (not to everyone's opinion) and I have a lot more energy without dozing off if I am still for any length of time. This condition known as Sleep Apnia (mspl) is quite common and if you see yourself in this topic or you know a friend that does, please schedule one of these test. You'll sleep better for it. Draftstud.
I have a friend who uses a c-Pap for the same reason. His wife has told me that the machine is so loud and cumbersome though that she started sleeping in another bed. Are you having any issues in that regard Draft?

Even if you are, from the sounds of things you would just be trading one loud noise for another. Also it seems you are feeling much better than before, which is the most important thing.
No, Mojave the Machine I recieved is the size of a cigar box and is whisper quiet. It came with a padded carry case, so it is very portable. My son said that a friend of his dad has one and it is the same way as your friends. I thought this topic might help someone, as the long term effects are so damaging, as it effects your heart and mental well being. Do tell your friend to upgrade, I have had to sleep in another room for so long it's unreal. But, I do get visiting privaledges! :D
A friend was just diagnosed last month the exact same as you. Attention span of a 4 yr old, no retentive powers, and stamina shot.
Brand new guy now. Alert, functional, and productive.
Congrats and enjoy.

Draftstud- Does the mask bother you on the unit you have? My father in law has been through this and waking up at night with the mask has been a problem for him (claustrophobia?). His machine is also pretty damn noisy...his is like a fish tank on steroids!

Attention span of a 4 yr old, no retentive powers, and stamina shot
...kind of reminds me of an old girlfriend of mine ;)
Thanks chas031, MarvB the mask does not bother me, it is only for the nose and covers only that area with a soft gell lining. This machine has a "Ramp" setting that I push and it will start at a force of 4 and gradually build up to my theraputic level of 10. The only drawback is when I swallow my cheecks puff up! :D
Thanks DStud- If you happen to see the Mfg. name on the unit post it here or shoot me a PM and I'll tell my F-I-L maybe his is just dated?

"The only drawback is when I swallow my cheecks puff up!" :D :D I ain't even gonna touch that statement LOL
I used to snore like a freight train, now I use "Breath Right" strips, and sleep a lot better.
My Dad had that same problem and he would stop breathing several times a night. He now used a machine and I can only assume that is it the same one you use. It has made a HUGE Difference!!!

It's Great!

My mom said that the machine dad has is just fine, they usually sleep with a fan on anyways so she does not hear the machine over the fan!
Draftstud, I was recently diagnosed with this as well. I still have to make the appointment to get fitted with the mask and pickup the machine.
I am excited about the prospects of having more energy and it would be cool to be more alert mentally. Nice post thanks for bring it here, JLG.
Since I'm highly claustrophobic, I'd probably have nightmares of being violated by a bunch of plastic store mannekins. I don't think if I tried for 100 years I could ever go to sleep with some kind of mask on my face. Yes, I snore...but the question is...if I wake up dead, will I know anything about it?

I'm pretty sure my snoring is more due to allergies keeping my nasal passages plugged than true sleep whatchamacallit. Due to allergies, I breathe through my mouth when I'm awake too.

MarvB,Outdoor Chick and JLG, I am really glad I had some feedback on this, it is important. The machine that I have is made by Puritan Bennett and is labled GoodKnight 420G. Rogue, I keep allergies, so I know what you mean, been through the shots, the surguries (3 times). As soon as my nest egg is set my Butt is out of here! Do you know everytime I go into the Mountains, My sinuses dry up and I can Breathe, Plus I have a daughter that lives in Phx, AZ that I would love to see more often. I mailed her some airline tickets yesterday for the whole gang to come out the end of Sept. I can't wait to squeeze that newest red-headed grandson! :D
Originally posted by DRAFTSTUD:
is made by Puritan Bennett and is labled GoodKnight 420G.
Thanks! I'll tell the pop in law about it today...I'm sure (as long as he's had it) that he is probably using the Beta version.....
I've contacted the local head of the Alzheimer's studies here as well. My Dad passed from A.D. and had the worst case of sleep apnea. I'm curious to see if there is a direct correlation between the two.

uuhh, Please keep me informed. I am lucky, both of my parents are still alive and arguing with each other. I am sorry about your Dad. DRAFTSTUD
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