Skunks !!


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
It seems a contingent of local skunks have decided that the front door to the company building is a glorious place to rendezvous (and I mean Right At The Door). Now, there are THREE of the lil' stink weapons.

Not being able to use lethal means as a solution (at least not knowingly by Management, I do have a .22 M1911 styled pistol) .....Any ideas on how to make them less inclined to freak out the 600+ innocents just try to get to work?
shoo skunks - shoo!

Try it.


Alternatively, get a large rug, or a blanket. Hold it in front of you like a shield completely blocking their view of you and slowly walk towards them, stopping often. They will slowly move off.

My only thought is spread human hair around the area or spray area with bleach/ammonia type product or both.
Sprinkle sulfur powder near the door.
Havahart small live trap with a bag over it. Then a big container of water. They can't raise their tail to spray and if tried the bag will stop the spray. Drop it all in the water. Smell will not be much.
The sulfur powder worked for my mom when a skunk thought her shed was a good home spot.
BrentD is the best solution mentioned so far. I was raised redneck , just piss all over the entry and do not tell anyone. It has worked for me. In addition, get rid of any food.
When I lived in Bonner, MT, they were so prevalent it was like my neighborhood was being run by gangs. One evening I was point-blanked by one in the face as I walked around the garage in the back. It was awful.

I purchased a live trap at murdochs, and hung a tarp over it. Once I had one in the trap, I dropped the tarp and ran a hose from my tailpipe to under the tarp, ran my truck for a half hour, and once the deed was done, threw the skunk in the Blackfoot River. I repeated this 3 times. The third skunk sprayed when I dropped the tarp. The other two hadn't, but the last one stunk up the neighborhood. It didn't really solve my problem as there were a heck of a lot more than three skunks in that neighborhood, but I sure felt better.
Pepper spray works really well. They won't come back.

The chemical ideas sounds really good to try though. With neighbor pests that run free, I've taken capsaicin oil, and used a small spray bottle with some water added and sprayed on entry ways and that discourages all critters, domestic and others.
If they are small enough they won't be able to spray yet...
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I used to trap the nuisance skunks for the neighborhood. Believe it or not, Little Debbie Cream Pies were the best baits when using the have-a-heart style traps. Some old timer told me this and it sure works. I didn't trap anymore neighborhood cats once I started using the Snack cake treats. Cats were meaner than hell trying to get them out of the traps. Skunks were easy.

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