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Sitka gun sling vs Kifaru gun bearer


Oct 8, 2018
Anyone have thoughts on the sitka gun sling vs. the kifaru gun bearer? They seem pretty similar. I didn't know Sitka even made one until I was poking around on the internets. I've heard good things about the gun bearer but haven't used either.

Would love to hear any thoughts from people who have owned one or both.

I have a SG, it's similar to the Kifaru in that is has a quick release, I would go with that over the buckle.
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I didn't know sitka made one either until now, looks to me like it has a few more options as far as direction of gun etc. Maybe not as secure because of it?? I have the kifaru and it is probably the best piece of gear I have bought for the money. I absolutely dreaded packing a rifle until I gave it a try. Always thought it looked very awkward but I am sure glad I have one now!
I have the Sitka Sling. It is honestly my least favorite piece of Sitka gear. I have the Mountain Hauler pack and thought it would naturally work great with the pack. Perhaps it is me, but I adjusted that thing 20 times last season and could not get it to ride right. I ended up halfway through my Montana hunt removing it and just using a Quake sling on my shoulder. The other guy in my group running the Sitka Sling had the exact same experience and ended up just using the sling on his gun. I plan to try the Kifaru next.
also looking to buy a gun sling... curious to hear any more feedback, but sounding like I better just jump on the gun bearer before rifle season!
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Thanks for the replies everyone. I have mine on order. I just hope the turtle-speed-processing at Kifaru gets it to me on time for my first hunt of the year.
Exited to use the gunbearer in a few weeks in Montana. Have it on a pop up 28 ready to go. Tried the mystery ranch sling last year and was constantly falling off my shoulder. Love MR packs but the sling needs improvement.
I have an old hand me down pack and bought the universal gun bearer. It has worked very well so far. Spent a lot of time adjusting it but eventually got it dialed in so it wasn’t in my way. Recommend it 💯
I ordered a Kifaru. Going to give it a shot I on my Badlands Superday. The reviews are awesome all over the place. Reviews on the Sitka are “needs development.”
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