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Simpson/Tester ripple effects

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
All good news. Something tells me the wolf plaintiffs will not be fighting this one too hard, given the thumping they have taken over the last month.

Let me guess, two groups from Utah take credit for that one, also.
Actually taking credit for this will be a stretch for any of these guys Utah or the politicians as the USFWS announced they would be doing this way back last fall, like in September or so.........regardless of the credit let's hope that it sticks.

The Center for Bilogical Diversity has now filed to make the buffalo/bison listed as here we go again.
Actually taking credit for this will be a stretch for any of these guys Utah or the politicians as the USFWS announced they would be doing this way back last fall, like in September or so.........regardless of the credit let's hope that it sticks.


The difference now is that the sideboards are firmly in place. If HSUS, CBD, etc think they can just litigate to fill their bank accounts or gain more members, then they will have learned nothing over the NRM DPS.

This was never so much about the wolf or the ESA (for me) as it was about setting right the wildlife management ship in this country. How hunters, who just showed the world that they have the power to move congress, use that power will define us just as it defined Ding Darling, Gifford Pinchot and Theodore Roosevelt.