Silencers/Suppressors legal for hunting.....

I have a question...why would you want to use one? (The suppressor, not the butt tool..the benefits of the butt tool are obvious).

Is there a good reason to use one? Please educate me, I am willing to learn. sound like you are angry at life.

I think his dog pissed in his cereal again...;)
Already have our shed trip planned there actually. Three of us going, got room for another if you want to go.........we are going April 8 through 11, then back again from April 18-22. Should be able to do an early sweep of the first ones, and a late sweep for the rest.

The guy is only making me pay the plane fuel and 100 bucks per trip. Thats pretty cheap entertainment when divided by 3:D

Nope, a different group.

Make sure your guy can land on that road I told you about or you will get in trouble. Not too far of a hike from there. I might leave some of our water and stuff in there for you guys. We can probably carry more weight than you.

Do you think your guy would fly us in for shed hunting? Would give you a better look around and we could probably snag some big sheds. Just not sure of the snow situation in April. Would like to be the first person in there. Easy pickens, for sure.

I have a couple friends loaded up with bonus points, so I might have them apply for rifle. I am zeroed on bonus points, so the odds of me drawing again are slim. But, I would love to go in with some other rifle hunters and help them.

We are going archery, come hell or high water. Send me a PM and we can visit on the details. I will let you know who all is coming in with us.
Already have our shed trip planned there actually. Three of us going, got room for another if you want to go.........we are going April 8 through 11, then back again from April 18-22. Should be able to do an early sweep of the first ones, and a late sweep for the rest.

The guy is only making me pay the plane fuel and 100 bucks per trip. Thats pretty cheap entertainment when divided by 3:D
hope your not trying to land there with conventional gear. The road is too rutted up. For sure a ground loop. There is only five hundred feet of useable and one way in and one way out. I dont want to see anyone get hurt.
I have a question...why would you want to use one? (The suppressor, not the butt tool..the benefits of the butt tool are obvious).

Is there a good reason to use one? Please educate me, I am willing to learn. sound like you are angry at life.

I shoot suppressors on all my guns year round. The biggest reason is the lack of hearing protection that my boys and I have to wear.

As stated before, I think the infringement on my rights come when any government agency puts restrictions on my weapons.
I have a question...why would you want to use one? (The suppressor, not the butt tool..the benefits of the butt tool are obvious).

Is there a good reason to use one? Please educate me, I am willing to learn. sound like you are angry at life.

For hunting western big game, I personally wouldnt use one. But that is more indictive of my style of western hunting. I archery hunt as the tags are generally easier to draw, and it doesnt interfere with my midwest whitetail hunting in october and november. And I wouldnt want the weight of one for my style of backpack hunting.

But for others, if you own one you generally practice with it removing it means changing your zero, since adding weight to the end of your barrel with a suppressor results in repeatable zero shift. It also brings down the volume of the shot to level which while still are very loud, they are below the treshold were permanent ear damage occurs. Since everyone hunts differently a guy that carrying a few extra ounces wont hurt, may choose to use one.

For stationary hunting the benefits are the same I listed above.

For varmint hunting where multiple shots can and generally occur the benefits are definetly realised. One of the most popular prairie dog, coyote, and general vermin rifles is the AR platform anyone can testify to the extreme decible level associate with these rifles. Besides all that, there fun to use, and make shooting general more enjoyable for the shooter and bystanders.

There are many other benefits associated with them, that many outside of the military and combat cant generally appreciate as well. They reduce the muzzle flash at night, which gives away solider locations. The enemy will have a harder time pinpointing the exat location of the shot as well. The reduced muzzle flash, helps from temporaliy blinding a soliders NV equipment as well.

In home defense you could imagine the defening ear shot and temporay blindness you'd encour, from firing a handgun in your house at night, in a high pressure situation like that.

Only disadvantage to one would be cost, tax stamp, weight(in some situations), and the hassle of dealing with the ATF registration process.
I can drive in through the ranch, shouldn't get hurt that way and will make sure the bulls all drop on private with my connections. The salt licks will be located next to the tear bucket. Support Sinclair oil.
This is my yote killer/truck AR.

maybe lots of folks will be driving through the ranch that just sold, might make planes and choppers obsolete...........


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I can drive in through the ranch, shouldn't get hurt that way and will make sure the bulls all drop on private with my connections. The salt licks will be located next to the tear bucket. Support Sinclair oil.

Then do it! Put or shut up. BTW I support the use of silencers bill.
I can drive in through the ranch, shouldn't get hurt that way and will make sure the bulls all drop on private with my connections. The salt licks will be located next to the tear bucket. Support Sinclair oil.

You lucky (*#($#)#&*&. And guys like me have to fly in.

Can't imagine what you and your elk killing buddies will do when you guys get in there. Like takin' candy from the babes.

Headin' down to the Sinclair station for a fill up the truck. Will toast them a cheer on your behalf.

You lucky (*#($#)#&*&. And guys like me have to fly in.

Can't imagine what you and your elk killing buddies will do when you guys get in there. Like takin' candy from the babes.

Headin' down to the Sinclair station for a fill up the truck. Will toast them a cheer on your behalf.

There is only one guy we know that is able to drive in and hunt. That's it.
Then do it! Put or shut up.

I think there has been plenty "Put up" by guys on this site. A quick glance through the hunting season posts shows lots of "Put up" occuring here.

No one here has to shut up.

Except for the guys who cry too much. That is grounds for being asked/told to shut up.
I totally support the silencer bill. You see I've had this plan for years that involved stacking hay bales in such a way that when I shoot at some prarie dogs the hay bales dampen the sound of the blast and I can keep shooting for hours of fun. It really lets the air out of my bags when I get one shot and the varmits scatter. Then the fun comes to a quick end. I've never tried the plan because moving enough bails into position....well it just doesn't work so well. If I only had a silencer and it was legal to use while hunting. Wow!
hope your not trying to land there with conventional gear. The road is too rutted up. For sure a ground loop. There is only five hundred feet of useable and one way in and one way out. I dont want to see anyone get hurt.

We rigged up some tractor tires on the float plane skids, should work to land about anywhere:) is that non conventional enough;)
I don't usualy wiegh in on these, but all the points being made it seems like most are woriied about it making poaching easier. Poachers are poachers, are poachers. either they are or they aren't, and if they are the law wont make them any difference than the laws in effect now.

I am not "up" enough on the gun laws to know the legalities of all this suppressor stuff, I figure thats what I have you guys for;)

BTW JASON I love the yote killer.:D
If the only argument for allowing silencers is that you don't need to use ear protection while hunting, that's just not good enough for me. If you are shooting that many times at big game...get closer and practice shooting more. If you want to go out "plinking", you can legally do that with a silencer as the law is now. If it makes it more difficult for law enforcement or makes it that much easier for poaching, it should remain illegal.
I agree. I really don't care either way, but still think the bill is a big waste of time and money. I still have seen a solid reason posted by anyone to use them for big game hunting.

I can see the prarie dog argument.

The military, night flash control, making shooting more fun...this bill won't change any of that.
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