
Signatures, Weblinks, and Prostaffers

Cheers Randy. I value this site as my primary go-to for hunting conversations. I appreciate our sponsors whom support the OYO hunters!
I have just removed my UK fly fishing site, I can see it is of no relevance to this site.
One reason I removed my UK deer hunting site some weeks ago was the fact I am sponsored by a optics company not sponsored on here, which I thought was out of order on my part although it wasn't intentional.
I can fully understand the reasons behind this decision of Randy's
Good work randy, you have to deal with a lot behind the scenes and there is no need for guys trying to get a free ride for all the hard work Mr and Mrs Fin do...
I knew there was a reason I turned down all those prostaff offers. Or at least I would have.
Great. Right when I invest in 50,000 Shamwow towels.

Keep up the great work Randy. Sig changed.
time to be consistent

I'm on the road and don't get much time to look at things closely, so if any of you have something in your signature that is not in compliance with my first post in this thread, please remove it.

If some of you are seeing things that are out of line, I would ask that you send me a PM and I will have Mrs. Fin take care of it in my absence.

Thanks, Miller.
Evidently some folks have not read this thread, nor did they read the language in their registration. This site is not a traffic generator for your own blog, your YouTube Channel, your website, etc. Some many not like that fact, but that's the way it is.

Other sites don't go so far as to post warnings as we have, many times. They just ban users who violate the rules that they agreed to when they registered.


MY PATIENCE ON THE TOPIC IS WEARING THIN. Not sure why people think this forum should be any different than other forums they participate in.

Only sponsors of this site or the TV show(s) have been approved to have a URL in their signature or within their posts.


From now, on, web links, URLs, and other advertising links/posts will not be allowed in your signature lines or in the forum threads.

If you care to do this, you must contact me or Mrs. Fin in advance ([email protected]).

This site is here for helping those who are interested in self-guided hunting, with emphasis on public or accessible lands. It is only possible to have this show and site because some companies understand the value in connecting to you and being supportive of your style of hunting. Without these committed folks, there would be no website or TV shows.

I have always been pretty open about things, but more and more, people are putting links that take you to sites that compete with us, compete with our sponsors, or are links to places I really don't want associated with our forum. Or, they are using the forum threads/posts to advertise their products and services.

I really did not want to do this, but after a few complaints from sponsors, it becomes my responsibility to make sure their investment here is protected. I hope you understand.

Most forums that reach our size do not allow URLs, at all. And moderators are expected to delete threads that are thinly veiled advertising. As it proliferates, I can see why they have these policies.

Some pay to advertise on this site and we are adding more "site only" sponsors. They have permission to have links in their signature lines and they can use the forum threads to promote their products.

If you are on the "Prostaff" or otherwise involved in promotion of products and services, you need my permission to post comments in the threads that promote those products. Too many times, prostaff folks from competing companies are here "plugging" products they represent. If they want to reach the self-guided hunter and help promote what this platform provides to our readers/viewers, there are ways they can do that; the same way their competitors are doing it.

As for those of you who are not on pro staffs and want to talk about products, I encourage that, whether it is a product of a sponsor of our show/website, or not. This is about getting the best information in the hands of our audience and you guys have some amazing experience that is helpful to our viewers. I don't want to discourage that.

So, if you have a URL or web link in your signature, it will be removed, unless you have my approval. Many of you have been very professional to ask in advance and I have given you approval. For those who have, continue as you have and I thank you for the value you add to this forum. For those who have not, you will probably see changes to your signature line.
Someone not getting the memo?

I think the few that have remained are sponsors; have asked for permission; are providing links/promo from their sites/pages to ours; are contributing something of value to our forum members; and are not competing with any others who sponsor this forum/show.

If there are some that seem new or strange, please send me a PM.
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