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Side-by-Side Shotguns

I would probably take one of those and throw it in Fort Peck if it ever showed up in Grouse Camp.

I'm getting my own thread sidetracked here, but this reminded me of a funny story. I'm a contactor and a friend of mine is as well. He won't use anything but the most expensive levels and hates it when anyone uses anything less than the best. A new guy shows up one day with all of these new tools that he bought from Harbor Freight. My buddy asks for a level and the guy hands him a brand new Pittsburg level. He glances at it, breaks it over the floor joists that we are working on and slings it 20 yards or so into the dump trailer with the trash. He then goes right back to work like nothing happened.
O/U and Tundra hate. Tough room. :D
It took me about a day on a Tundra forum, researching suspension upgrades to realize that Tundra owners are quite possibly worse than Jeep owners when it comes to spending money for appearance.

You and GunR are exempt from my distaste. So is Hem, and Schaaf. And me in a few months.
My Dad has always loved Lefever's, the Nitro-special models. I'm not sure why - maybe affordability?

I learned on a 20 ga (that's now in my safe for the kids when they are ready). He's got a couple of 12's and a 16 also.

I don't know how hard they are to find, but I've always found them to be comfortable to shoot and accurate.
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Far from an expert on this subject, but have you thought about shedding weight and going with a 20? A few years ago I decided I wanted a nice double and figured I needed a 12. A buddy made me use his Red Label 20 one day for pheasants and went 3 for 3 with the last one being a poke. I am glad I got the test drive. Happily carry a light weight 20 around for uplands now and very happy with the decision. God luck with you search.
20s are all I use any more for quail, sharpies, pheasant, huns, etc. I don't feel handicapped at all. The center of the pattern is the center of the pattern, whether a 12, 16, or 20.
No, still dreaming about one though.
Well been shooting SxS's a long time now. started with a, can't spell ot, Bernidelle Roma 3. then a couple Spanish Habicts. Used a Charles Daly SxS 12ga as a training gun a lot of years. have 5 of them today. Three AyA Matador's in 16gs, 28ga and 410. And two newer CZ Bobwhites a 20ga and a 28ga. I got that 20 ga as it was the only Bobwhite around I could actually pick up. Got home and mentioned it on a site I got to and got a message in no time about a 28ga a guy in Portland had. So the past several years when I hunted I carried my 28ga AyA and the 410 as a backup. Also used the 410 a bunch shooting trainng birds for the dogs! Now I take along both my 28's when I go hunting. CZ has a 26" barrel and double triggers. AyA has 28" barrel and single trigger. Have used then both a bit in training and not sure I favor one over the other but really like my double trigger CZ's. And the 20ga. Well haven't hunted pheasant in years but would probaably take it along with my 16ga. None of that to mean squat. I have pointing dogs and the 28's are more than adequate there. Also haven't found them much but love forest grouse and 28's are perfect. Anyone of those gun's will handle pretty much what ever you hunt especially over pointing dogs. If I were to ever go for water fowl again the knod would go to my 16ga Ithica mod 37, just because!

Seem's to me SxS's bring out the bore in everyone. Don't spend enough and you got junk. Well I've had a few really inexpensive SxS's and they all worked very well. Matter of fact, I got my CZ 28ga for $300 and in included a gun case and 10 box's of factory ammo! Not one complaaint about it. My 20ga CZ I got brand new in a heavy case and two box's 20ga field loads and I think it was $425! Feel free to turn your head in disgust, I'm still shooting them thank you. It has seemed to me for a long time that gun owner's can be awful snotty! Anything gun related you either speend more than you can afford on or you bought junk, just ain't so!

My old training gun was a Charles Daly 500. As I recall I paid $500 for it used. It has been to hell and back and still going strong! Had at one point a Stevens 311 20ga. Ugly and a bit heavy but the thing I liked best is it always worked! Sometime's I think I'd like to have a really nice SxS. Seen a Mercel in 28 I wish I'd have got, $3900! But we measure the worth of such things in cost so next to a new Purdy it would be total junk! I have always wanted a mod 21 but that ain't gonna happen in this life time. And even though, I think the gun's I have fill me in real well, junk in other opinions or not!