Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Shoulder mount ideas on this buck


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
This is a buck I'm thinking of getting mounted from last year. I really want to show off the height of the antlers. Would it be better for the mount to hold the head high or to have it ducking down a touch like he's looking under a canopy of trees (almost like his head is in the picture). I'm going to have him looking slightly left too. Any other opinions?
Thanks guys!


  • Gregs NM buck 2 2009.jpg
    Gregs NM buck 2 2009.jpg
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Sounds like a good idea you have but doubt you could hide the height on that'n if you tried. Hella tall.
Depends on if the mount is going up high on a wall or it is going to be on a 8' wall? If going up high I would do a traditional head high and chin slightly tucked with your left turn. If going on a 8' wall I would mount it just like you have him posed with the slight left turn.
I agree with goldtip, I would look at where you are going to put him first. If up high have him tuck his chin, if down low I would keep his head level but turned the way you like.
typically when i mount tall, narrow racked deer for customers, the best looking mounts for them are semi-sneak or a full sneak due to pulling their ears back for the pose which makes them look wider in return
If you have some room to spare, I'd do a sneak pose. That would bring the rack out low and off the wall, right out in front of who ever is looking at it.
It is hard to tell from this angle, but this a kinda/sorta semi-sneak. The buck is about 12 feet up on the wall, so the photo is looking up at him. The top of his skull is only about 3 or 4 inches over the top of his back and he is turned slightly to the side. I'd have to be standing at my front door or on the stairs to the second floor to get a straight-on picture of it.


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    Buck 1.jpg
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