Shot a bear today !!!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Well... On the Dart system that is :D :D

I took the Bow down to Intermountain Sports and Shot the "DART SYSTEM". the dart is a video screen that has animals and different senarios on it. I killed many a bear in the 45 mins that I shot with "ELK TURD". Elk turd just recently bought one of them Recurve jobbies. I couldn't hit my Arsch with one but He does a fine job for a Newbie.

We Killed Black bear, Brown bear and even 2 polar bear
We shot Bear off bait, Bear in the Water, Bear from the TREe..... Ahhh It was Fun... Sometimes I thought the bear were undersize but I killed some BIg 'UNS too!!!!

Season Opens one Week from today... I'm probably 4 weeks off from Giving you a success storry But The "MOOSIE"S BEAR DIARY" will start Next Sunday... I just realised that Bear season opens on EASTER.... HUmmmm.... I may have to make a deal with the wife again

WHO else is going to use there bow this spring for BEAR?!?!?! Who ELSE is Excited?~?~?~ Who Else can't Wait?~?~~? Who Ese is Baiting ?~?~~? Whos running dogs ?~?~ WHO else is even reading this :rolleyes:
I'm readin, I'm excited, I'm using hounds, and I'm a master "baiter" :D :D but we can't run bears off baits with hounds. Only archery hunters can bait.But I'm gettin fired up, took the kids out today and treed a pretty good tom lion and turned him loose....may have you help me with a couple pics if ya to scan em first
You are getting me jellos sitting here with no spring season :mad: :mad:

Catman glad to see you are a Master baiter not just a little Dubber :D :D

[ 08 April 2001: Message edited by: Tobey ]

The more I read about your bear tales, the more I think your at least 1/2 bear. :D :D
Was that on your moms or your dads side? :D
Anyway, I hope you slam a big one. Like my
brothers and I used to say: "Time to put
some lead in their head".Good luck, and don't be jipping us out of some good pictures. We want the full meal deal. :cool:
S.O. , I still haven't mase it to Caldwell yet :( But this week for sure since Sunday is the Opener

As Little hair as I have I can be comidered half.. BARE :D I can't grow Facial hair and Only have 6 Chest hairs
Wylee,would you quit slobbering all over the puter :D :D

Get this, I had to tell Steve we should do some bear hunting!!! At least we could pretend we know what we are doing,and it would beat the heck out of staying home.

[ 09 April 2001: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]
Hey, what are you doing looking at my puter, :eek: muledeer4me! :D :D If ya end up going out after bear you will understand the slobering part, I enjoy hunting bear more than most of the other big game animals. :cool:
Them there bears are dead, on the screen that is!

Moosie, that would be a longbow, not a recurve thingy, hehehe.

Yes Moosie walked all over me on the score, but it was still fun! I figured I improved since the last time, I at least hit the screen......OUCH!!!!

Can't wait for the season to open!!! I hope this year I will shoot one bigger than a cub, ok it was a yearling Moosie! I've got about 150 lbs of dog food already! One thing for sure, the bears are well fed at our site.

Good luck!!!!
Hey Elk turd... Keep that 40# bag that your Dog food came in..... So you'll have something to PAck your bear out with :D :D :D

Sorry Couldn't resist ;)

Just so Everyone knows, Elk turd found a good spot, Set up his BAit, and Shot a bear in the First year that he went out!! He also Got more bear hitting hios site then I did And sooner too!!!! HEck you would think That with 3 bar and 4 years of hunting I would knoe something .. HUmm.. I might have to Follow him up to learn his Secrets :D :D
Hey there Moosie you could of rattled ole Elk Turd's cage a little more before you let him off the hook!
Sounds like you have a real nice spot there Elk Turd! Go get em!
We set up our bait site and tree stands the other day. Now we have to go bait it. Hey Moosie, what are you doing this afternoon?????? Care to carry some food??

Saw some elk and deer on the way and a lot of turkey tracks. Did I forget to mention that my hunting partner and I each got our turkeys last year on the first day up??? Moosie has pictures, err, digitally enhanced photos that is.
That certainly was an interesting Turkey you shot last year Elk Turd. I hope you washed your hands afterword. Hee Hee :D :D :D
Wylee - Yes I did, right after I smoked a cigarette in the afterglow!!!!!

Too funny!!

Time to go shoot that "Big Tom" this year...

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