PEAX Equipment

Shooting the Grendel's, stage 2 fire restrictions, and a jerk in a Subaru.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2004
In a box under a bridge
Today we were out braking in two new Howa 1500 6.5 Grendels.
One I had already finished the 20 cleanings and a box of ammo. The other one we were in the process.
I was zeroing the other. It's a lot of shooting. We are on state school trust land, stubble one one side av a small creek with steep banks and uncut winter wheat on the other, a nice clear of grass spot to park off a well-used country road. We not only have the "State use permit" on our hunting licenses but we also have the "State Recreation permit" needed when on state land not hunting. GPS and BLM map confirming we are on state land and well off the road right away. About 45 minutes into the shoot after several farm cars/trucks a Jerk in a Subaru comes sliding to a stop on the county road and rolls down his window. He proceeds to start screaming at us about the county was under a stage fire order, we Had better stop shooting or he was calling the fire marshall and sheriff. We calmly walk to his car and politely inform him we were perfectly legal and a stage 2 fire order has nothing to do with shooting anywhere and on state lands. His face turns red and the veins in his neck looked like fire hoses. He kept up with the screaming and was going to call even the governor. The guy I was with is a wildlands firefighter and has been for 30 years. He calmly tried to hand the jerk his phone and told him he has all three on speed dial and was welcome to use his phone to call. By now I was afraid the jerk's head was going to explode and I nudged the guy I was with and we turned to go back to shooting I said over my shoulder Please call the sheriff and said that I had not spoken to him for a day or two. I was not aware a Subaru could spray gravel that long...
20 minutes the sheriff rolls up. We all said hello and shook hands.
He said he got a call from his dispatch from an Irate fellow about some guys spraying lead and shooting everything up and were about to touch the entire county.
Have you seen anything like that?
We all chuckled and he checked out licenses and permits and explained he had to investigate, even though he knew no restrictions on shooting were in place.
we assured him we would pick up our one target and if anyone started we would put it out with the two extinguishers we had on sight. He left and a few minutes later the same Subaru went screening by giving us the level eye. We continued our shoot.
What a Jack A$$.
Well played. Way to stay calm. Just glad that no kids were with you to have to see all of that.

BTW, great choice on the firearms. I love my Howa mini 6.5 Grendel. Accurate and a lot fun to shoot
We have a neighbor like the Subaru guy, he's an architect, he designs big, really ugly houses and commercial buildings. Every time someone around here shot a gun, which is perfectly legal, the architect got irate and would call all the neighbors who live in the direction of the shooting and holler at them and then call the sheriff too...and the deputies have to come out every time somebody calls about firearms. They'd come out, look around, and say "cool, you're legal, carry on". It was a colossal waste of time for them, and they finally told the guy to knock it off with his phone calls. He threatened to move because the neighborhood obviously had gone to hell, but nobody wanted to buy his big ugly house :ROFLMAO:
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Always one of those. When I was a young airman, during my first year in the Air Force, we had a guy bought land and built a big beautiful house literally at the end of a 9000 foot runway. We got daily complaint calls from him and he was constantly calling anyone in power and threatening all sort of things.

everyone had pretty much the same opinion- Ahole that was obviously deaf dumb and blind if he missed 9000 feet of concrete ending at his doorstep

BTW, love my grendel as well. I spent yesterday 30 rounds getting my 350 legend dialed in, and only took 4 rounds to dial in the grendel. Very easy keeper
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I thought Subaru people were nice. mtmuley

Some are! my daughter has one she’s really nice . I drive it sometimes and I can be a reall ass 😂 I run into the most jerks driving a Subaru maybe it’s just me ha ha
Reminds me of Jimmy.
Moved out into the "great unknown", next to my buddy that owned a couple hundred acres.
My buddy is out cutting firewood, on his own land, when new neighbor Jimmy shows up and asks my buddy to please shut down the chainsaw!
"You're scaring the deer off!"
Back in the early 2000's, my son's University of Idaho ROTC command was on FTX and conducting range time. They were all in ACU camo and the officers are commanding the firing line with a bullhorn.
A deputy pulls up to tell them they had a complaint about "Militia Types" on the NF. Everyone laughed.
Had a similar thing happen to me last year except it was a farmer on a combine when I was antelope hunting. Stopped to tell my buddy and me we shouldn't be out there (on public land) hunting because we'd shoot a rock and start a fire. Told him we weren't hunting rocks. He made a great big fuss. We went somewhere else.

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