Opening day of rifle, rollin' solo, you stumble up 3 hours in the dark over deadfalls, through towering alders and finally make it to the timberline ridge just as legal light breaks...(every day should start like this...YEAAAH!
!) You glass the first basin and spot a couple of smaller bucks at 100 yards...but you know some big bucks cruise this decide to peak over the back of the ridge and you spot a MONSTER black BRUIN stuffin' his mug in a huge berry patch just happen to have a tag in your pack with his name on it...
Problem is he's pushin' 400 lbs
and is in the nastiest-ball breakin'-hole you could the bottome of a steep, shale avalanche'd take all day to get him back to where you're standin' and then most of the night to get back to the truck... To HUMP or NOT to hump...that is the question??? ...
Here's the bear in the hole...
The front basin...a slice o' redneck PARADISE...
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-22-2002 14:07: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>
Problem is he's pushin' 400 lbs
Here's the bear in the hole...

The front basin...a slice o' redneck PARADISE...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-22-2002 14:07: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>