Sheep...Let's See 'em!!!

Yukon 2002

Hunted CO on my own with my recurve in 2007 and was so close to killing a ram. Been trying to get another tag everywhere ever since. Wyoming is getting close...
Does a NM Barbary Sheep count?

Hope to get a pic soon. Buddy called last night to check in.
He just helped a guy get a 170 DBS in the Floridas and another that's pending record.
Poor Mans Bighorn

I can dream but this may be the closest I ever come to hanging a wild sheep on the wall

My 30x13 Aoudad Sheep


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30 inch Barbary is out of this world. It is not a poor man's anything, First class trophy. Much envy , many congratulations!!
I really need to stop looking at this thread.

I've been quite fortunate to get in on some incredible hunts over the years. Have seen at least 1 sheep killed each year I've lived here, and a few doubles. Counting down the days until August rolls around again. The flight is booked, just not sure of the drainage yet, or exact date, but it will happen unless I'm dead...

I've shared these here before, along with the story of the hunts.

2010 - my first ram - shot about 7 miles from camp. I was alone, the wife was in camp too worn out to go. I will say I was worn out when I got back 24 hours later. A whole sheep along with hunting and overnight gear is about all I care to pack.

13x37 -12 or 13yo

2011 - my wife's first ram. Awesome hunt, saw 4 other legal rams.
12.875x38 12yo

2012 a double, double. We saw a lot of sheep on this hunt, maybe 20 some rams. We were after another hog ram when we spotted 4 together, including these two. We waited them out for about 10 hours before killing them both. Lots of walking on this one... about 10 miles from the strip, and 2 trips to get everything back, including nearly 2.5 miles across a glacier.

Both double broomed, 13.25x33 8yo, and 13.875x36 10yo

2013, another double, double
Larry's ram. IIRC it was 13.5x39.5 9yo. One of the biggest rams I've see on the hoof.


My ram - FC, double broomed, 11 years old... Legal all three ways.


2014 - An amazing trip, AKdrifter and my ram

13x33 9yo and 13.5x37 8yo.

2015 - Ol' Stumpy. I flew my nephew up to help pack out my sheep.

13x31 9yo

-Awesome hunts, I need to win the lotto now after seeing all those.
Great looking sheep. Is it possible for DIY in TX? My boy is now in Dallas and this would be a great hunt to get together on.
DIY is possible in TX, but IIRC the public land opportunities are kinda tough to draw. There are some tresspass fee, DIY opportunities available that aren't all that bad cost wise, IMO. Not much different than the tag cost in NM IIRC. Here's a link to a hunt broker that has some:
As one pointer said there are some limited draw opportunities with limited success rates or a DIY on private land. My sheep was free range and came off of some family land we have to hunt

I would look into the caprock canyons draw hunt
Montana Sheep

Here is my 2011 Montana Ram that the good Lord blessed me with.


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Montana 2015

I have been lurking here for a while, and figured it was time to participate.
Here is my ram from the breaks. Applied religiously for 26 years. It was an amazing season, and I wish you all good luck in the drawings this year...


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Dang aroshtr thats a solid first post. Hell of a ram. What was the age on him? I'm new to trying to age sheep but I'll guess 11.
Caribou Gear

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