Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Sheep and moose combo

man bearhunter you went out on a limb pullin' the trigger on that sheep for sure!!
the dowel test really don't mean anything when they seal those sheep, not sure why they even have it. they usually do the PVC pipe test over here which makes more sense.
Out on a limb? How so? I studied that ram for close to 2 hours and had a perfect side view of him, he was fullcurl in my estimation and F&G and the State Troopers saw it the same way. We can't always shoot the big rams and sometimes the rams with poor gene's barely make it to full, but some do, like mine.

Thanks for sharing the pics! They are great. I am going back to AK for my second caribou hunt in 11 months and can't wait!
i was just saying out on a limb because sheep like that some troopers/bio would go a little weird in the sealing deal, i haven't seen them do it the same twice! if you had lots of time and good looks, then thats all the better.
full curl is a full curl and a trophy no matter how you slice it! not trying to take anything away from you trophy there...maybe the pic posted just isn't the best angle..no worries man and congrats!
Very cool hunt AKB. Cringes of envy on my end of the keyboard. I so badly would like to go on a Dall Sheep hunt. Congrats.
i was just saying out on a limb because sheep like that some troopers/bio would go a little weird in the sealing deal, i haven't seen them do it the same twice! if you had lots of time and good looks, then thats all the better.
full curl is a full curl and a trophy no matter how you slice it! not trying to take anything away from you trophy there...maybe the pic posted just isn't the best angle..no worries man and congrats!
I understand what your saying, i've heard the horror stories about sealing sheep. I can't lie and say I wasn't nervous but I was 100% sure in my mind that he was a legal ram. I have heard that Anchorage is probably the worst place to seal a ram but since this was my first since the sealing requirement went into effect, I cannot say for sure. Appreciate all the good words guys, it was an awesome 2 weeks in the mountains of Alaska and paid off with a full freezer.


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