She wasn't a good bird dog

Rips my heart out looking at that empty bed. Buried my first bird dog two and a half years ago and it still hits me pretty hard. Tonight I'll get to take the new pup (his great-X4 grand-nephew) north to where I buried him. Maybe there will a grouse there to greet us. Tears will be shed, and I will raise a flask to brown dogs gone but never forgotten.
It definitely sucks…they become family to most and like children to others! I still ride the mower past the grave of my daughters German Shepard that we lost two years ago and tell her that my girl and her longtime friend is doing good for her not to worry I’m looking out for her! Sorry for your loss!
Hang in there Neffa. Some tough days ahead for sure. Give your wife and kids some extra hugs as this is one of those tough life experiences that can be extra tough to work through. So sorry for your loss.
It is the price paid for all of the wonderful memories. You gave her a great life, and obviously she returned it back to you. The pain will subside, just let it ebb on its own timeline.

It hurts, every time you have to say good bye. There just is no way to avoid it. I've said good bye to beloved dogs and the horse in the avatar. Each of them hurt, the memories sustain, the pain will dissolve.

By the way, you have a wonderful family there.
It's the worst, buddy. Sorry for the loss, but glad you got time with a true friend. They really do make us better people.
Man that empty bed is a tear jerker. So sorry for your loss. You gave her the best life a dog could have. I hope you and your family can find comfort in the coming days.
but my god does it have to feel like this?
Always tough to open Hunt Talk threads related to the loss of our four legged family member though always open. Why? Because we share a common value for our love of our buddy. If humans held a fraction of the unconditional love our dogs bring our families, I am sure this world would be a better place.

I dread making "the decision". You nailed it with your shared sentiment throughout your thread. Later, a bit of sadness upon reflection of fond memories though a grin out of respect for the amazing time shared.

Saddened for you and your family's loss. :(
I read this in an issue of Wyoming Wildlife not too long ago. I think every dog owner should be able to relate to this.

“Dogs are evidence that there is a God. Their longevity is evidence God is either a cruel one, or one that requires the human to sit up and pay attention to every moment for these snippets called canine life are painfully fleeting and gloriously spectacular.”

—Tom Reed pg 46 January 2022 Wyoming Wildlife.

she was a good girl. this piece by Semi-Rad brought tears to my eyes if you need some commiserating feels ^
Worst part of owning dogs is when they pass. Sorry man, been there, it's tough.

All these passing dog posts lately do make you appreciate the time you have with them.
@neffa3, if you weren't already, you now are in a group that can't resist reading another doggone thread. We are compelled to revisit our loves and losses as each reminder like yours is posted. Peace and strength as you go through this. Know that I and others are right there w you.
It's comforting to be in the company of sympathetic ears. Thank you all.
I read this in an issue of Wyoming Wildlife not too long ago. I think every dog owner should be able to relate to this.

“Dogs are evidence that there is a God. Their longevity is evidence God is either a cruel one, or one that requires the human to sit up and pay attention to every moment for these snippets called canine life are painfully fleeting and gloriously spectacular.”

—Tom Reed pg 46 January 2022 Wyoming Wildlife.
Exceptionally true words. I can't get enough TR, he's one of my favorite authors. I have a Wyoming Wildlife subscription just to read his writings. And he's the first section I read in every TU mag.

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