Sitka Gear Optifade Cover

Shank it? or Crank it? Only the Billy knows

The morning comes with a familiar feel and taste in the air. Smoke. It's like it's in your tent..... laying there in my bag I'm boiling some water and making some coffee. Collecting myself from the sleepless night wondering if this could be the day that my 24 year dream comes to fruition. I'm calm reminding myself that this is all part of the experience. The anxiety of it. Wondering what the Billies did after we left em. I've made it clear that I'm not gonna watch a show this morning. If these goats are doing the exact same thing they were. I'm gonna take one of the two preferably John Wayne but Rings is basically a tie for first as well. I mentally prepare myself gather my gear, say a prayer and climb outta my tent.

I'm greeted with smiles and a hot coffee. Isaac and Andrew are in full goat mode. Talking amongst ourself of our plan to head back up the valley. The smoke is thick but again moving out. We gather our things and fill our water and begin what will be the one of the most anticipated hunting encounters I've ever had....
We walk along the lake quietly, it's getting lighter with every step we take. We haven't laid eyes on the goats yet and begin the ascent up the valley towards where we left them. Working diagonally away from the face to get a better view. About half way up we spot em in the exact same spot as the day before. A little lower even. I look at the boys and say it's time. We begin the walk towards the goats. I'm trying to keep myself calm and start to breathe heavy. Long deep breaths..... I'm not doing very well controlling myself I'm looking at the guys with a smile and outta no where Isaac looks down while walking and picks up an obsidian point in full stride. Like it was placed there for him. When that happened it calmed me down. I was no longer thinking about what was about to happen or the shot. It was all about the experience.

I drop my bow off and grab the rifle about 100 yards before we would see the goats. We collectively come up with a plan that we need to identify every goat before the shot. Coming around the corner I get my orange on and ready to roll. We creep in slow with a couple goats in our vision. It's John Wayne and Rings... the two younger goats are outta the picture. I'm still not sure on John Wayne though.....

He's picked us up and moving up the cliffs at 330 yards. Walking slow but walking away. I find a rock throw a pack down and steady myself. The guys are confirming it's John Wayne moving up. The angle is steep and he's almost to the top.

I look down from him and Rings is feeding at 275 yards broadside. Andrew is trying to film the shot. I'm hoping from goat to goat in the scope..... now I'm starting to get a little rattled John Wayne is still walking up and now at 450. He stops looking down from the top and quartering to me. I'm steady the cross hairs are on him but I don't like the shot. The angle is tough and don't feel comfortable. I'm not gonna take a shot like that on anything rushing it and risking something..... I have this voice come into my head and say just take Rings Jonas. I get back on the rifle and say I'm taking Rings. Andrew gets ready and gives me the nod.... safety is off. A second and third of the range and confirmation it's Rings. I look back and say here we go.

I'm comfortable with my decision. One last breath and I send the first shot.

Hard hit

Jack another round in and confirmed second hit.

Rings does the wabble and falls on a grassy bench. I can't believe it. High fives and hugs and this life long dream is laying 275 yards away from me..... so much excitement and anticipation trying to get up to him. I almost vomit from the adrenaline and what we walk up on was everything I could've ever dreamed of.


This goat is everything I could've asked for. A giant white mountain gorilla. He's got it all, long hair, huge glands, giant horse face he's just unbelievable.

I've counted his rings a hundred times and have had others as well and we all come up with 10.5 years old. I'll be curious to see what the tooth sample says

After a couple hours of photos and work on the mountain


We get back to camp and back straps are on the menu. And when we arrived back at camp we found a damn bbq grill gate laying just up the hill from our tents. Like it was placed there for us to have a celebration over this harvest. A few sips of whiskey and a Cuban cigar one would think it couldn't get any better that night..... we were in high heaven..... but wait.

How about a little northern light show on full display coming from right over the goat face that we just took this magnificent billy from.



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The trip isnt quite over yet.

It wouldn't be complete with a packout of 14 miles and dropping 4200 vertical feet back to the pickup.

Isaac had to unfortunately leave that very same day of the harvest. He hung around for as long as he could be there but work calls and he's a busy man. He was extremely generous by taking out numerous large items for us including my bow and rifle back to the pickup. I can't imagine how it would've gone with out him.

The next morning we'd break camp trying to mentally prepare ourselves for the grueling task that lie ahead. And step by step mile by mile we made it back down the mountain in one shot. Weighing what we took out Andrew and I probably averaged 120 between the two of us. You'd think going down would help.... think again.
Can't thank these guys enough. I've said it 100 times.
There you have it, kinda long winded. I wouldn't change anything on that trip. It went exactly how I wanted. A kick to the bag, hard, long grueling endeavor with a pot of gold at the end of it.

And that's my Beartooth Billy Goat dream experience.

Hope you guys liked it
F’in A dude! Great write up, stud billy, and the obsidian points!!! You put in the effort and got what you wanted. Hunt of a lifetime.