Shade Tree


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
Has anyone been around long enough to remember the old Shade Tree predator hunting forum? I guess you could say that it was the original that most other predator hunting web-sites were modeled after...including Posse Country, Predator-Masters, Coyote Gods and probably a few others that I've forgotton. The reason I bring this up is that the man who put together Shade Tree is now our newest member at Huntalk. Welcome Bruce Kennedy!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-16-2003 14:50: Message edited by: Doug ]</font>
Oh Cool! Welcome Bruce
Never been there but heard alot about it
I don't remember it,but I've heard a lot of talk about it,welcome Bruce!
Yes I remember Bruce and Shadetree. A great forum. A collection of hardcore callers. Many of us went into withdrawal shock when Bruce shut it down. Welcome Bruce.
This is weird, because to my old and feeble knowledge, I have never registered on this board. I went back through my records and could not find a registered name and password for this board, and when I registered a few minutes ago, it went right through. But I do thank all of you for the welcome, even if it wasn't me.

Anywho, Danny, I remember you and those skinney legs of yours. But now you tell me you have married - again, and are putting on weight.
Say, when are you going to come over here so we can sit under the Shade Tree and have a nice cold beer????? Hey Danny, we should plan a trip into the "boot" about the 1st of December.

Yes, the "Old" Shade Tree was the actual start of all these predator boards on the net, although, I am sure there are a few who would never admit that.
I look at these boards today, and nothing has really changed. True, there are far more callers and "wannabees" out there, and more every day. The one thing that has not changed, and never will, is all the fighting among the members of any predator board. I always hated to see May 1st roll around, because I knew the summer time fighting was about to begin, and it always did, and still does today. When predator callers get cabin fever from being cooped up from March until October, and the heat goes up, the fighting begins. As soon as the weather cools down and the hunting begins, the fighting will go way down, only to start again next May. And before anybody brings it up, yes I did my share of it, and to tell you the truth, I miss my old buddy Martz - well come to think about it.....

Just remember guys, there is nothing to this. You hunker down in a bush, and blow the call a couple of times, and there he is. Nothing to it.

Take care.

Oh, by the way, I only banned 9 people from the old Shade Tree, and "Moosie" was one of them - for jackassing around on the board. Well "Moosie" here you go, "Tit for Tat" you can ban me too.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-04-2003 15:33: Message edited by: Bruce A. Kennedy ]</font>
Bruce, I'll be seeing you for sure now. I just bought a Dodge turbo charged diesel dually for towing new RV's cross country. I'll be going through Tucson now and then, so be ready for old skinny legs to show up lol. Hey, I just rememberd, I'm older than you right? Be seeing ya.
Danny, be sure and stop - plenty of room.

Who is older????? I can't remember for sure, but I do know there is only about 30 days difference in our age, and since you look much older than me, the 30 days must be on your end.

Take care.
Shit bruce I remember shade tree.. damn I wonder if I knew oscar back then.. Did I root for you or him when you banned him
maybe youd better not answer that, I might get into more trouble

Yes I remember Shade Tree both the original forum and the newer modern version. The older format took forever on my old computer to load but it was worth it! I thoughly enjoyed them. Let see I missed that BBQ but remember winning about 5 items in the raffle all of which Bruce mailed to me. The most prized item was one of Al Lux's prototype calls. I also have an AZ Posse Belt buckel as well. Hmmm that was a few years ago.

Anyway glad to see Bruce is still kicking!
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