Sh*t our kids do

My oldest is driving my old 2500hd chev.

A few Sundays ago, I noticed the valence was missing.

"I don't know dad, I guess I could have drug it off on a curb".

Then suddenly, the fan was grinding on the shroud. Which happens when you have busted motor mounts.

The ball joints were mysteriously bad. And the front quarters were tweaked so they were tight to the door on top, and gaped on the bottom.

Now, me thinking it got jumped, or smashed through a ditch, is just crazy.

It was that way when he started driving😉
My oldest is driving my old 2500hd chev.

A few Sundays ago, I noticed the valence was missing.

"I don't know dad, I guess I could have drug it off on a curb".

Then suddenly, the fan was grinding on the shroud. Which happens when you have busted motor mounts.

The ball joints were mysteriously bad. And the front quarters were tweaked so they were tight to the door on top, and gaped on the bottom.

Now, me thinking it got jumped, or smashed through a ditch, is just crazy.

It was that way when he started driving😉
Check the frame rails. Chevy is famous for those rusting right through even if they've never been jumped.
Last night we were getting my son (almost 2) ready for his bath, as he had thoroughly colored himself with markers throughout the evening. He had been carrying around (not eating) a chocolate chip cookie from grandma. We tried to explain that he couldn't bring it in the tub because it will get too soggy and fall apart which lead to him having a nice little meltdown. Eventually my wife decided to let him bring it in the tub. After a couple dunkings, the cookie fell apart and into wet crumbs. He proceeded to have a major melt down that we had to navigate with another cookie after he got out of the tub.
The whole situation reminded my of the GIF of the racoon dunking it's cotton candy in water.
Kids are wild little creatures.

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