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SFW on public lands?

Ben, which groups were there to testifiy against 397?

Russell Country Sportsmen, Montana Bowhunter's Association, Montana Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Sportsmen Alliance, Montana FWP, Libby Rod & Gun Club (Don Clark), Bitterroot Valley Houndsmen, Helena Hunters & Anglers Association.

Proponents were MOGA, SFW & Safari Club.
How much clout does SFW have in the legislature? Any idea on the size of their membership? A lot of folks are waking up here in Utah and realizing how the venom spewed here has poisoned the reputation of our wildlife management process, divided hunters, decreased opportunity, and infiltrated the political arena. It will take a lot of hard work and time to end the pox that has plagued us for so long, but it will happen sooner or later. Keep fighting the good fight.
How much clout does SFW have in the legislature? Any idea on the size of their membership? A lot of folks are waking up here in Utah and realizing how the venom spewed here has poisoned the reputation of our wildlife management process, divided hunters, decreased opportunity, and infiltrated the political arena. It will take a lot of hard work and time to end the pox that has plagued us for so long, but it will happen sooner or later. Keep fighting the good fight.

There are legislators that are members, and some that even were on the BOD for SFW..
Good luck finding out numbers if it's anything like their Wyoming chapter! I've asked Bob Wharff, their Executive Director, a number of times and he won't answer. I also emailed the Treasurer last week asking for that information, and again, no response. Recently a Legislator asked Mr. Wharff that same question when he was testifying on a Bill before a House Committee and his answer was that he had 8,000 "contacts! It's doubtful that those 8,000 represent his small group, but that's the BS you get from them! Mr.Wharff is now touting the SFW as the reason all the Bills to raise the price of licenses in Wyoming failed this year and vowing to address the forthcoming cuts that will have to be made by the G&F over the next two years so they will be what the SFW group feels is appropriate.
And remember that Mac Minard and MOGA testify for SFW and visa versa. The outfitters in my area are not SFW folks. The Utah influence moves N and MOGA has facilitated it.
HB 440 - the SFW backed bill that would have drained Habitat Montana and stopped land purchases and conservation easements in favor of "access easements," already under way in a program that has little demand, was tabled unanimously yesterday in House Appropriations.

SB 397, which easily could relist wolves in Montana, passed Senate Fish & Game yesterday on a party line vote. This bill only had SFW, SCI, MOGA and Woolgrowers as proponents.

SB 143, which would disallow wild buffalo anywhere in the state was passed out of committee as well last night.

SFW's other big bill, SB 197, was voted down on second reading yesterday 48-52. The sponsor is looking to get a motion to reconsider filed today.

You can call 406-444-4800 and let the House and Senate know how you feel about all of these bills.

Other SFW legislation this session was:

HB 312 - Test & Slaughter of Elk
HB 31 - Getting wolves relisted by bad legislation
HB 33 - Kill all predators for looking at backyard chickens
HB 73 - they came in at the last moment and supported the bill only after MWF, MSA, etc, had done all the heavy lifting.

And yet they have the balls to call every group at the Legislature working for hunters, anglers and wildlife "phony."

Shame on them.
You are correct, it would be nice to be able to go help landowners regularly. More should be done. Unfortunately, most folks are a very long way from E. Mont. They are not rich folks but they might take their families on vacation and go to hunt E. Montana. Those folks add huge amounts to local economies. If they look at a two year old map of leased acres (that MOGA is trying to keep from getting out) they wouldn't go. One outfitter in the Breaks brags about going from 250,000 leased acres to 500,000 in the last two years. Once again, one must ask who is harvesting those antler less critters? Game mgmt isn't only about antlers and scores.

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