Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

SFW in Bozeman


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
I was over at Sportsman's today and picked up a flyer for SFW. They look like a pretty good group based on the information provided :rolleyes:. I'm sure they'll gain some support based on the flyer since most of the hunters/anglers in the valley are unaware that any other groups exist.
I might be sending their office a letter telling them I won't be s.hopping there
I should probably clarify that it's Wholesale Sports not Sportsman's Warehouse.

Oh jeeze a simple typo, you should proof read before busting on a innocent company.

Walmart kills babies, oh wait I mean Target.;)

P.S. I've seen the SFW sign in a Colorado Cabelas
Come on Ben but at this point I know you can do better than that:rolleyes:

"The Defenders of Wildlife have been long time advocates for keeping the wolf on the endangered species list, which are now wiping out our elk herds in the Rockies".

P.S. I do not live in MT and do not fully understand how your elk herds have plummeted due to the wolf and the wolf alone.
Here's one-Over the week-end while attending Mule Days in Hamilton,MT I passed by the Republican booth that was set up and it was manned by SFW members wearing the SFW uniforms?
Every concerned Montana hunter/angler should send a letter and stop by their nearest Wholesale Sports store and tell them they will not shop in their store again until they stop supporting SFW. If you need further information on SFW go to www.montanasportsmenalliance.com under news. There is an NRA press release and article out of Alaska about SFW. Also, ask any SFW members you know "why did they try to kill the Simpson-Testor legislation that has allowed us to hunt wolves in Montana?" Sportsmen need to do their homework on SFW before buying into their hype. Words can lie, but actions do not.
Here's one-Over the week-end while attending Mule Days in Hamilton,MT I passed by the Republican booth that was set up and it was manned by SFW members wearing the SFW uniforms?

I know it is a lot to expect that an SFW loyalist would understand the basics of being a tax-exempt entity, but this kind of stuff might allow for them to get a Love Letter fro m the IRS regarding political activities that might be in violation of their tax-exempt status.

Not sure which Repubs were recruiting SFW as their cadre, but whoever it was, they need to have the SFW albatross hung around their neck as they try to get elected. SFW needs to be shown for the radioactive waste they can be for any candidate, R or D.
I know it is a lot to expect that an SFW loyalist would understand the basics of being a tax-exempt entity, but this kind of stuff might allow for them to get a Love Letter fro m the IRS regarding political activities that might be in violation of their tax-exempt status.

Not sure which Repubs were recruiting SFW as their cadre, but whoever it was, they need to have the SFW albatross hung around their neck as they try to get elected. SFW needs to be shown for the radioactive waste they can be for any candidate, R or D.

According to their website, SFW is a 501C3 organization. As such, they cannot sit down and advocate for any candidate or party legally.

If anyone has photos or evidence of this, I would send them to the office of political practices, and the IRS.
According to their website, SFW is a 501C3 organization. As such, they cannot sit down and advocate for any candidate or party legally.

If anyone has photos or evidence of this, I would send them to the office of political practices, and the IRS.

I'm pretty sure I saw a video clip of the SFW guy from down in that area standing by Rehberg a while back. He had on the black long sleeve SFW shirt. I remember the guy had a mustache as well.
I'm not a big Tester fan, but I am pretty sure he is getting my vote. Unless he totally does something stupid. I do have to research a few more things about him, but Rehberg has gone too far! You have to be a pretty big crook to get in bed with these guys, and on top of that you sue the Billings fire dept. because they were trying to put out a fire on your undeveloped property...wow.

By the way, I know most farmers and ranchers are not big on Tester, but most of the ones I know are taking a good look at Rehberg's shenanigans because of some of the info you guys have posted up. Keep up the good work guys!
I'm not a big Tester fan, but I am pretty sure he is getting my vote. Unless he totally does something stupid. I do have to research a few more things about him, but Rehberg has gone too far! You have to be a pretty big crook to get in bed with these guys, and on top of that you sue the Billings fire dept. because they were trying to put out a fire on your undeveloped property...wow.

By the way, I know most farmers and ranchers are not big on Tester, but most of the ones I know are taking a good look at Rehberg's shenanigans because of some of the info you guys have posted up. Keep up the good work guys!

Proposing to give away thousands of acres of public land must be ok then?

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