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Setup for coyotes


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
So I've started getting into coyote hunting a little bit more this year than before and am trying to figure out a typical setup. I've been maybe a dozen times and have managed to call in one confirmed coyote. I have a smaller FoxPro that I use and no hand calls. Last weekend I tried having the call downwind of me, out in the open with the nearest downwind cover about 300 - 400 yards away. My thought was that the coyote would have to come out into the open to be anywhere near the call. Is this a good way to setup? Should I be downwind of the call? I was thinking of setting the call just upwind of where I expect the coyote to come out into the open while I sit somewhere to keep the wind away from the call. Where I hunt at there are some tree rows, wood lots and wide open fields so there are a lot of places for them to stay hidden while coming in.
I setup to call into the wind. I use a lot of mouth calls but when I do carry the flextone it is set out in front of me or upwind. Depending on terrain and how wide open the country is a coyote will try to get downwind of the sound. If that is how he comes in it will still put you downwind of him. Just my 2 cents. Good luck
I don't think I'm very good at picking calling sites either, but my best success was always in tight areas where I couldn't see very far, but also nothing could see me sneaking in to set up.
in my calling , they come from downwind , sometimes they come running across a field and sometimes they come out of the trees close to the call. My call is placed downwind from me and I am positioned in a spot where I have good visibility and cover. I usually stay in one spot for at least 1/2 hour.
Any coyote worth his pelt will circle downwind of the call. You want to set up to ambush him there but be flexible, sometimes they figure things out and try to sneak off or circle around to smell you. Get a good open reed mouth call, it will make 90% of the sounds you will want to make and is easy to master. Use the electronic calls in conjunction with mouth calls.

Starting out with one coyote every 10-12 stands isn't bad. As you learn the lay of the land and the way coyotes act you will get better.
I always try to make sure I set up facing down wind on the bipod with my call a little up wind, the ones that come down wind are usually moving slower and have there eyes in your general direction there is less movement this way. sometimes though they will come charging in from upwind but those are generally more careless younger coyotes that will allow you to get away with some movement. I too always bring mouth calls and the fox pro and use them in together. Also I've learned to always start out with a quiet coaxing call for the first few minutes, if you have a coyote right out in front you don't want to start out super loud.
Thanks guys. Next time I'm at Cabelas I'll pick up a mouth call. I'll work to set up downwind of the call next weekend when I go out.

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