Serious Coyote Hunter, or Pleasure Hunter?.....

Bruce A. Kennedy

New member
Aug 3, 2003
......for me, I am strictly a pleasure hunter. For me, just being in the field, and enjoying the day, is all I need. I don't care if I kill a coyote or not, it means nothing to me.

I know some of you are deadly serious about coyote hunting, and that is fine, and I have nothing against that. A man has to pick his personal pleasures in life, and who am I, or anyone to DICTATE, your personal pleasures?

Some of you keep very meticulous records of every kill; caliber of gun, distance, grain of bullet, and on and on.

So, do you consider yourself a "serious" coyote hunter, or just a simple "pleasure" hunter like myself?
I would probably enjoy coyote hunting much more if I weren’t so serious about it. I do enjoy each and every hunt and try and learn something everyday though. The real pleasure for me is at the end of the year right before I sell my fur. I line them all up on a fence or a building and take a picture. I take a lot of pride in coyote hunting and putting them up properly. The pictures bring back a flood of memories every time I look at them.

Some day when my blood thirst is quenched I will take “pleasure hunting” more seriously rather than just killing. Hell I may just convert to photography. It is a whole lot more difficult to get a good picture of a coyote in its natural environment than to get a dead one.

Hey Bruce,

I'm a pleasure hunter that takes it very seriously.

Good Huntin

I'm purely a pleasure hunter, I won't let myself get too serious about Coyotes. I made that mistake several years ago with Raccoon trapping. I loved it so much, I got into ADC work. A few thousand coons, and too many bitchy customers later, the fun was gone, and I was stuck with the reputation of someone who could make an animal problem go away quickly. The phone wouldn't stop ringing.

I won't allow that to happen again.
Bruce, when I first started it was for the fun of being in the outdoors and the pleasure of trying to nab a coyote, bobcat or gray fox. Not an easy task when you are a newbie back in the 60s lol.

After about eleven or twelve years of predator calling, I had to get serious about this stuff, so I joined a club. This club had all kinds of good predator hunters in it, now I needed a good reputation ( EGO )as a predator hunter. So I competed with the big boys and I did ok ( EGO-EGO-EGO ). After 25 years of that, it got old and so did I.

Nowadays I don't give a hoot if I kill a predator or not, I just enjoy calling them in and watching, I think I'll always enjoy that.
Well since only two categories are given I'll say pleasure.

But I think of it as more as a hobby.

So I'm a hobbyist.

Sounds all gentle and shit. Like I build model planes.

PC is me
Dang that is distracting Mule. In a good way of course!
Wish I could figure out how to make that my screen saver. I was surfing the web in class the other day and some of my fellow students caught sight of the two inch screen with "two puppies fighting under the blanket" from clear across the classroom. They all gathered around the computer like it was a campfire or something! LOL !

For the topic at hand I would have to say "pleasure" caller. The shift I had at my old job gave me around 14 days off a month. I used to take it more serious then. Those days are gone. I barely have time to be a pleasure caller lately. When I do go, I usually just go for a few hours and call till I get one and come home. If I don't get anything, doesn't matter anymore.

Take care, Curt
I know this is pretty late but just found this site.
I would have to say pleasure. I take great pleasure in killing as many of those yellow eyed rascals as I can.Always have and always will.
Pleasure. Truth be told I'd rather be hunting elk, deer, or lopes. Or even chuckars and quail with my GSP.

Since I live in a coyote rich area, with no seasons, its fun to get out and call when the seasons don't allow other pursuits. Its satisfying to call one in close.

Being out for yotes I've stumbled into some bruiser muley bucks, antelope, and there's always the chance of a bobcat or cougar!
Could it be serious coyote hunting for pleasure?

I used to hunt them all the time and when I did it was serious. 1-5 days at a time for nothing but the pure pleasure of shooting yotes.
Used to drive all over the state to blast the furballs

To me pleasure hunting would be hunting for other things and seeing a yote and sticking a bullet through it.

Starting to cool off here in AZ so the yote hunting will be more bearable to make that driveout to the desert.


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