Serial Poacher......

Raybow, blacktail boy, that was also my first thought, the indians, i had that written in my first post but took it out. Im not sure what tribe is down that way, we have the yakima indians but they come up to yakima to kill there game. but they always seem to take there game when they get something, you dont hear to often here in yakima that a animal was killed and horns cut off. My guess is white trash hunters doing it.
I hope I didn't come accross the wrong way on that post as there are, in any race, good and bad. I would agree with kirkl in the fact that tribe takes the meat it seems. Although in my neck of the woods there are three or four tribes that did not. They were even caught for it a couple times in one year and nothing happened. They would take heards that were easily acessable and kill em all eventually. I could not believe it when they allowed them to go on the Dickey Permit only game management unit and hunt. This was noted as the most successful public hunt in the world at one time They would issue 75 3 point or better permits for regular season and 10 in early oct. There were people that took trophy bulls every year. It had a 100% success rate for those that hunted. I used to go out there and at one time I counted 16 rack bulls all together in one heard. Nothing smaller than a 3 point. That's how good it was at one time. I never applied for the permit personally cause I liked hunting remote. But when the tribes started coming out there and shooting all the bulls it became a managed trophy hunt for the states tribes. Needless to say after three years of this it was no longer permit only. The state said why bother. So who really is to blame?
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