PEAX Equipment

Sept 2010 Mountain Goat Hunt ( Pic Heavy)

As we got to looking about how to get to the goat we suddenly realized it was nearly two o'clock. We had been getting ready to eat before we first saw this goat and now everyone was ravenous. A quick fire and some chunky potato soup hit the spot!

COOL story, however, I prefer "Dinty Moore Beef Stew" in a can. Congrats once more on a great stpry and a great hunt that could be shared by so many.

good luck to all
the dog
Awesome read thanks for sharing the srory and the pics its fun to read theses stories now that my seasons are over for another year and looking forward to next year
FKA Buddy! Great job! Would you recommend this unit to others? I'm puttin in for the Highwoods, but it's like you said, a lot of traffic with the guys that hunt out there.
1pointer- the dog-leg was for worst case scenarios such as charging mountain goats and rabid hyenas. :) and the occasional griz that call these mountains home.

Dreaminof MT6X6s- As far as the unit goes..... I think I've seen the numbers of goats go down slightly since I first started going in there in 2005. We only saw two goats on this trip, but we were only in goat country for two days and it was hot. Another drawback is that to be sure you can get to the goats you need to hunt in late Sept or early Oct. The hair is pretty good at that time but not like the units you can hunt in Nov. Plus its about 5 miles to where goat country starts.
Those are some of the drawbacks. The plusses are that it's somewhat easier to draw than other units. I take the attitude of I'd rather draw a tag and overcome the other obstacles than not be able to hunt. That and the country has a way of getting a hold on you. There's other units that have better quality animals but a goat hunt is a goat hunt in my mind.
Yeah, he got pretty nice ram with his bow. I don't have a lot of pics from that hunt. I got quite a bit of video of rams we passed on and rams we tried to stalk, but I wasn't with him when he killed his ram.
Yeah, he got pretty nice ram with his bow. I don't have a lot of pics from that hunt. I got quite a bit of video of rams we passed on and rams we tried to stalk, but I wasn't with him when he killed his ram.

Well thats great your boss, sounds like he had a great year!
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