Sell me a new truck

Big Fin, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of bumper is that on your titan? I thought it was a shockworks, but I think im wrong. Also, do you run any type of life on your titan? (Old Man Emu maybe?)
Well, after eighteen months of research and six months of serious tire kicking, the old Titan will be retired tomorrow. Like the prior three Titans, it has been remarkably durable and served my purposes as well as any truck I could have asked for. Almost sad to see it go, even with 120,000 of America's worst miles under its tires.

It was an exhaustive search and analysis of every feature I need for the unique application I have. I could not find a 2016 model of any brand that had all the features I was looking for, that had the dimensions and off-road ability to be pressed into ATV duty in a pinch, and was under $45K. Knowing what the old model Titans deliver and what my needs are, I told the local dealer that if they ever got a very low mileage 2015 Titan on trade, to call me. They let me know they would be getting back a truck they sold in November, with only 6,000 miles, and that the price would be what I was looking for. That it was.

Titan #5, shown below, will be the TV truck for seasons to come.

Some following this thread probably think I have lost my mind. After trade in of the old Titan, with two big body dents, completely ruined paint job, unrepaired hail damage, broken windshield, and other bumps and warts from 120,000 of abuse, I had to write a check for $21,500 to cover the difference. Within two trips, the new one will wear similar scars as the old one, so no need to spend twice that amount and feel twice the pain when I start tearing it apart.
Nice. Congrats. Hope it is as good as your others. It will look much better after some mountain road pin strips are applied.
Looks like tires need to be the first upgrade. And Griz color in Bozeman. mtmuley
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Good on you Randy! Nice color too.Switching tires and extras from your old one?

Yup, tires, bumper, winch, cell booster, custom seat overs, all are getting transferred to the new truck. I would barely dare drive home with those kind of tires on my truck, let alone take it on the lava rocks of NM and AZ.

Looks like tires need to be the first upgrade. And Griz color in Bozeman. mtmuley

Not being a Grizz or a Cat, color means little to me. It will have a P-J Pinstripe paint job by mid-October.
Sorry Randy . Fan of one or the other or not, I don't much care about color either. Probably the last consideration. Did you consider the new diesel? mtmuley
Sorry Randy . Fan of one or the other or not, I don't much care about color either. Probably the last consideration. Did you consider the new diesel? mtmuley

Yup. It's dimensions are just too big. And the price tag is more than I want to spend on a vehicle I intend to abuse to the degree I abuse my trucks. If I had a side-by-side that I was towing around to hunting locations and I did not need to employ my truck for such duty, then a bigger dimension truck might fit the bill.
What you do to a truck is a testimony to it's toughness. The diesel is a lager platform? mtmuley
Yes, in terms of width, length, and weight it is much larger. Does not have nearly the break-over angle or the approach angle that the prior Pro4X model has. Same with turning radius.

I suspect Nissan has built another bomb-proof truck that will be extremely durable and reliable when they rolled out the new Titan. I just wish that the XD, and the new gasser, had all the nimbleness of the old model.

Some examples of my finicky nature or maybe it is just my unique application. I cannot find comfort in bouncing up and down roads, sometimes on ice, usually on steep slopes, often with a trailer in tow, and have a shirt knob on the steering column. I need it on the counsel, bracing the bounces with my right elbow and having my forearm free to make downshifts as need be. I cannot consider a truck without a locking rear differential. I needed/used it too many times and it has saved me at the last minute. I cannot have the standard molding that gives great gas mileage. It would be destroyed on my first trip.

I will be giving up something in gas mileage to the new Nissans and most all the other new model trucks on the market. I know there are some other trucks coming out in the next year that might fit all I was looking for. I just cannot find an excuse to pony up that kind of money that they will be asking for those 2017 models that might fit my needs as well or better.
Good choice. The wife had me looking at new rigs while my F250 was having some work done on it, when I saw an ad that said "Blah Blah Discount plus putting $9700 down, your note would be $760" I about crapped. I can do a lot with $9700!!! John
Randy, That is the first good explanation of why a truck shifter works in the console location. I don't want one, but see how it could be beneficial. mtmuley
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