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Sell me a new truck

I make f150s so I may be a little partial. I picked up a new 2014 back in May, switched back to the 5.0 V8 from the ecoboost. I think I get the same gas mileage and I just like that engine better, talking to some people around here I hear that they have some good deals on the left over 2015s going around
Would be curious to see how the side by side works out if it comes together. Been looking at those for awhile now. Work around the house, ice fishing, hunting/etc....I have it justified in my head...haha
I agree this is the problem. Most people don't use their truck as a truck. They expect them to ride and perform just as smooth, quiet and comfortable as a luxury car.
Very few if any are actually made to be used off-road anymore. Hence the lack of clearance for chains or tires a size or two larger.
It's no longer possible to buy a truck with manual hubs, manual window cranks and non-electric door locks.
Have we become a society of wimps? We can't roll down the window by hand? Heaven forbid we have to get out of the truck to lock the hubs and maybe get our boots dirty.

Dude, you're on a computer, using the internet.

You want to go back to hand crank phones and back yard chitters?
Well, after 115,000 miles of abuse, Titan #4 is in the shop this weekend. I spent the last week chasing mountain lions in deep snow. Thursday I was towing two snowmobiles and we hit some serious snow drifts; like "up to the hood" serious. It was dark and in the whiteout of winds blowing snow, I did not realize how big the drifts were and how long it was to get through it.

I had it in 4WD with the VDC turned off. The three passengers said nothing as the truck bounced and jumped up and down while digging to find enough traction. Snow was blowing over the windshield as I floored it, making visibility even worse. Never has this truck burned at 4,500+ RPMs, let alone for the time it took to crawl out of this 200 yard mess. I suspect 4WD is not made for that kind of RPMs for extended periods, especially with a load of four guys, their gear, and two snowmobiles.

When we made it through, and we did make it through without have to shovel or chain up, a collective sigh of relief came from the passengers, much like Schmalts gave when we broke through the frozen creek in Wyoming last month. Some profanity was used by the guests to explain their sympathy for my equipment and their worry that we would be walking to the highway in this blizzard.

A few miles down the road all my drivetrain indicators lit up; SLIP, ABS, VDC. I pulled aside and took it out of 4WD to see if the indicators would turn off. Nope. I turned off the ignition and restarted the truck to see if the indicators would be lit up when I turned it back on. Yup, still on.

Oh well, I headed down the hill to where we would get to the asphalt. I tried to put it back in 4WD and it would not engage. I messed around with it, but could not get it to engage. I got back to town and dumped the snowmobile and trailer. Then, dropped the truck off at the dealership for inspection.

I now find myself in a finger-pointing situation between a dealership who claims the wrong fluid was used when I had the differentials serviced two weeks ago and the service place who assures me the fluids used were those recommended by Nissan. Whether it was a fluid issue or just the culmination of hundreds of abusive events placed on this drive train, it really doesn't matter to me. I think it is time for a new truck. If I have to use the Honda Pilot for the WY bison hunt later this month while I continue my truck search, I guess that's what I'll do.

I spent yesterday afternoon inspecting some of the same trucks again. Will be doing more of the same today. Right now, the list is ranked as shown below, even if Forbes magazine thinks a 2015 Titan is not a value purchase.

1 - 2015 Titan
2 - 2016 Tundra TRD Pro
3 - 2016 Dodge Power Ram

Two other variables could alter this final decision.

First, Nissan will be coming out with their non-XD Titan later this year. I might wait until that comes out, if the new version is built for the level of off-road abuse built into the current PRO-4X model.

Second, I have an company wanting me to use their side-by-side vehicles. If that deal comes together, I might not need at truck that needs to serve as a side-by-side/ATV. If that happens, the Ford F150 FX4 Ecoboost replaces the Dodge Power Ram on the list above and will be very close in comparison to the Tundra, due to the mileage, low-end torque, and HP. If Mrs. Fin hits the lottery, I guess I might wait for a 2017 Ford Raptor, but given those have an MSRP beyond what I paid for two lake lots, I don't see that as an option.

Did your front diff go?

One of the reasons I'm not crazy about buying from the local stealership.

I'm keeping my truck until next year. Scored a great loan, but couldn't find a TRD Pro, so wifey go a new (used) milf mobile. She's very happy...
Did your front diff go?

One of the reasons I'm not crazy about buying from the local stealership.

Still not sure. They were supposed to call me today, but no call. If I had to guess, I would say that is the problem. I have no clue how many of those 115,000 miles are with that front diff engaged, but it is more miles than I've ever put on a front diff. It is peculiar that two weeks after I got the front and rear diff serviced, something went snarewire.

Good news is that the lead engineer for the Titan is going to call me tomorrow on his way home from hunting. He wants to fill me in on the new Titan gas model (non-XD). I trust his understanding about what I need in a truck. He should know, he grew up hunting on his family ranch in the Owyhee Country of SW Idaho.
Rancho, Nothing wrong with hubs and an actual lever to put a rig in 4by drive. No Christmas tree dash lights either. mtmuley
How much for your titan?

Most of the trucks at dealerships with this package and these miles are in the $20K price range. I suspect mine will be sold for a little more than half that price, sold as is, with the caveat that if I buy another current model Titan, the custom seat covers, bumper, and winch will be taken off this truck and put on the new truck. The topper will go with it. If I buy a newer/different model, all items will go with it.
Good news is that the lead engineer for the Titan is going to call me tomorrow on his way home from hunting. He wants to fill me in on the new Titan gas model (non-XD). I trust his understanding about what I need in a truck. He should know, he grew up hunting on his family ranch in the Owyhee Country of SW Idaho.

Meanwhile in Owyhee Co Idaho today.

I honestly thought about your description about why you need chain's for off camber play as I contemplated how to get back on the road. Scared the pee out of the passenger.

The recovery.


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Since you asked, I'd recommend the F-150 (there's a darn good reason its been the #1 seller for as long as most of us have been hunting) and the Side-x-Side. You'll love the power, economy, space, luxurious ride of the Ford, and with nothing more than a leveling kit and some off-road tires, you can get to all of the places you'll unload the SxS.

I finally went that route to save my truck and have never regretted it. Plus, since you aren't hunting from your truck anyway, you might as well use the SxS to get to the hunting area faster than the guys in trucks anyway. For road-hunting, the height and quietness of a truck is nice, but that's not what you're looking for... take the ability of the atv and use it to your advantage. Cover more ground and spend more time hunting and less time riding.
Second, I have an company wanting me to use their side-by-side vehicles. If that deal comes together, I might not need at truck that needs to serve as a side-by-side/ATV.

How do you plan to haul the side-by-side and your trailer?
I would get a bigger trailer that could fit a SXS and the other gear.

Can you divulge the manufacture of the side by side? 2/4/6 seater? So many options on them now-a-days, but by all means stay away from the RZR line for hunting application. They are for play, and they are fun in that market. We had the Kawasaki Teryx4 and it was great, just enough sport for play, and enough utility for work. Also take note, that its 15 bucks a year for the Wyoming non resident OHV sticker, and Utah dose not accept it. The Utah one is 25 or 30 bucks for non resident for the year.

Also our 4 seater was right at the 10.5 foot mark tip to tip, so add that to the trailer plus gear would mean 16 footer or more is needed. then you can camp in it also!

Either way man, hopefully the Titan gets fixed and you can make up your mind, my vote still is the FX4...
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