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Self imposed weapon restrictions for hunting?

Yes I think we all go through this stage. I've been on and off with the recurve, lever 30-30, and other older model weapons for a few years now. I absolutely love it, anyone can plug an animal from 400 yards easily with modern firearms and over 50 with archery equipment for the most part. To me that's just shooting in a lot of ways and the art of hunting is disappearing in us all.
To me that's just shooting in a lot of ways and the art of hunting is disappearing in us all.
I don't believe that the art of hunting is disappearing in us all. I believe that the newer crop of "hunters" never really ever learn the art of hunting as some of us understand it. It is something that is hard to learn on the internet. They learn to sit on a vantage point and snipe critters at a distance. If that doesn't work, they have nothing. Sniping critters from a distance can absolutely be a part of hunting but it shouldn't be all you have.
If I was ever to get bored with shooting critters at 400 yards it is an easy fix, just shoot them at closer distances. Just because a person is packing a modern rifle doesn't mean they can't kill game at 50 yards. I have hunted for almost 50 years. I have killed more game under 100 yards than over 100 yards, all but 3 animals were killed with modern rifles. In my mind the weapon chosen does not define the hunter, I do however believe that some choose a less efficient weapon as a means to put a feather in their cap.

If I was to choose an iron sighted lever action rifle and lower my standards I could likely fill my tags in a few days. The way I do it now there is a pretty good chance that I will not fire my rifle in season. Either way I would feel like a hunter. I will feel like I have hunted. The weapon of choice has very little to do with it.

At times I have considered taking the lever gun out and committing to it for a season, but for me it doesn't change the game.

I don't mean to call anyone out or just be contrary with this post, it is just something that I have given a lot of thought to, and these are my thoughts.
One of the rifles i will use this season.


A "Hammer" Double Rifle chambered for the 30 WCF (30-30)

I had it drilled and tapped for a Pic Rail on which to mount a RMR


Helps accomodate the ageing eyes of an old fart in his 8th decade.


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Ruger #1s for everything this year. I’ve used them a day here and a day there kind of thing in the past but this year the bolt actions will take the season off. 257 Roberts for Antelope; 275 Rigby for deer; 300H&H for elk and 375H&H for bear.

That’s what I always hunt with. Mine is a 270 Wby; I love it. I also have a 220 Swift and my dad’s 300 Wby lives with me, also Ruger No 1s. I will say I can reload pretty quick if needed, but more often than not, it’s unnecessary.
That’s what I always hunt with. Mine is a 270 Wby; I love it. I also have a 220 Swift and my dad’s 300 Wby lives with me, also Ruger No 1s. I will say I can reload pretty quick if needed, but more often than not, it’s unnecessary.
I’m pretty sure I’ve killed more elk with open sights than anything. Killed my second biggest bull with an old British 375 express (9.5x57). My biggest bull I took with a bow. Just getting into good elk country it getting tougher though, so I guess that’s the challenge for me.
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After 100's of deer with a Crossbow over 40 years and a lot with the flintLock, 2 years ago I used my son's 300 Win-mag to knock down 8 deer one day culling for a farmer in his bean fields. Taking 250 to 350 yard shots. Just doesn't feel like hunting. I like the deer walking under me. Getting the feeling of accomplishment betting them in there territory.
My favorite rifle is a Winchester model 88 in .308. Taken many deer and none going more than 15 steps. The 300 win mag leaves em standing in their tracks. My old Marlin 30-30 works solid but the last bunch of my 58 year hunting career, I've been staying with the old, 45 lb., recurve, traditional bow and the T/C .50 cal Hawkin flinter. Pleasure in the forest every day.
One of the rifles i will use this season.


A "Hammer" Double Rifle chambered for the 30 WCF (30-30)

I had it drilled and tapped for a Pic Rail on which to mount a RMR


Helps accomodate the ageing eyes of an old fart in his 8th decade.


What are the details on that rifle? It’s very pretty.
I hunt with whatever happens to blow my skirt up at the time I am getting prepared to go. After I get some meat in the freezer I might try and challenge myself and use my Encore Pistol in 7mm08. That should be a real fandango………
My dad enjoyed hunting ducks, grouse, and snowshoe hares as a young adult in MN. After developing MS he has to give that up, so he switched to deer hunting from a blind he could wheel into. From 1987-2000 he went every year with helpers. His goal was to kill one deer in his lifetime, but it never happened. He missed a total of 7 deer with his Mossberg 500 12 gauge at close range, and I was with him for all but one of those shots.

That’s him on the far right. I wore that leather hat of his for years until the threads disintegrated. I replaced all the threads and wore it again for a long time. Eventually it was in such disrepair to become unusable. After he died in 2021 I found that worn-out camo coat still in his closet, probably hadn’t been used in 25 years.

The Mossberg he held is my go-to small game gun even today. Between the two of us it’s killed an untold number of ducks, rabbits, and grouse. I’ve taken it deer hunting a couple times, but never had a shot opportunity.

This year it’s coming along with me for a dedicated doe hunt. The original modified choke barrel with rifled slugs is good to 50 yards, a fun challenge. While I would have loved for my dad to kill his one deer, about the next best I can do is get this gun it’s first deer kill in his memory.
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35 yards, 2 PM. Another hunter bumped him my way.

Anyone else have an update on self-imposed weapon restrictions this season?
Glad it worked for you. I hunt everything with Dad's gun ... every year since he gave it to me in 1964. By then he had built a second Springfield 03A3 for himself. It shot five animals this year: impala, springbuck, gemsbuck, blue wildebeest, and muley buck.20230813_102935.jpg20231121_113037.jpg
Not really self imposed though looking forward to my first harvest w/ my great plains .54 ml.

Shooting and reloading. Repetition. Hopefully next year will be the year of the ml harvest.
Y'all should look into big tungsten pellets for your shotguns. Not much disadvantage versus scoped rifles for a hunter in the thick, except in lowest light.

If I didn't have orders t fill a freezer every year I'd go stickbow only. I'm just not that good even if I have excellent places to hunt.

I'd rather hunt sq with a 410, but I get complaints if they're not headshot.

I do kill most of my gobblers with a single shot 410. I won't shoot one very far no matter what Im toting. So no big deal unless I have the thankfully rare miss.
I used a 308 this year to get my first deer. All the deer I had seen were within 150yds, and the meat damage from the 308 was more than I would’ve liked.

So I went and got a 336 in 30-30 and plan to use that next year. Hoping to get it out into the woods for a bear hunt, too, before the season ends on the 31st.
I used a 308 this year to get my first deer. All the deer I had seen were within 150yds, and the meat damage from the 308 was more than I would’ve liked.

So I went and got a 336 in 30-30 and plan to use that next year. Hoping to get it out into the woods for a bear hunt, too, before the season ends on the 31st.
Bullet choice matters. Same with 30/30.
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