Caribou Gear

Self Defense - Where to Draw the Line

Old advice about don't bring a knife to a gun fight comes to mind.
If he approached the other party with weapons, even though they both sound like complete d-bags, self defense is still applicable IMHO.
This has been run and repeated by all news as a road rage incident. There could be some other reason for the Jeep following the other vehicle. Say the decedent and shooter actually had a fender bender or some minor traffic incident. It’s been written that the decedent had a fiancée. Maybe he had a married girlfriend too? Just spitballin here, considering other reasons.
Utah code isn't the easiest to read; at least not quickly, but I think there is a case for negligent homicide/manslaughter, or vehicular assault. The action of driving towards the decedent, after following them a mile or so, makes that a stronger case. Whether the decedent had a weapon or not would be a big factor. A review of Utah 76-2-402 (3)(i) suggests the aggressor (following for a mile, driving the car aggressively toward the decedent) presents a challenge to the self-defense claim, intensified by finding reverse immediately after shooting the victim and then taking steps to avoid prosecution......

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