Seeth's unexpected FULL fall of "good" hunts

Awesome looking goat! Congrats. Can’t wait to see a dead bull.
Well that happened quickly.

Cool looking buck though, definitely worth it! Congrats!
Yes it did! We started running down a ridge as fast as we could to cut him off and he spotted us from a ways away as he took a turn we werent expecting. However, rather than run the other way, he full out ran to us! Got to 145 yard, got a range from my cousin, steady, can't shoot. He just isn't turning broadside. I practiced a few dry runs aiming for his chest. I'm a bit nervous anyways. Calm down. Breathe. There we go, thats better. Three good dry fire runs. I chamber a shell, tell everyone at broadside I'm going. He turns quartering. Nope not enough. There last step I needed.


"You missed and I never saw your bullet go anywhere" says my cousin.

"Yeah that's because I hit this dang sage bush in front of my barrel"

I blew a branch to smithereens.

He runs off about 50 yards. I reposition. Double check barrel is perfectly clear. 180 yard I hear.
Ok I'm rock solid and going.

Bang again.

"Hit, I saw blood spray, no need to shoot again"

He hits dirt in 30 or so yards.

High fives around and super excitement to be shared by all.

Super fast photos and meat cutting to try and get back to tire place before close at 6pm. We might make it! Almost there!!!
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So my wife is now part of an organization called Shoot like a Girl. It's a really cool group of girls with the focus on promoting shooting and hunting to girls of all ages. With that comes an obligation in the contract for my wife to provide some sponsor shots for products that are partnered with the company.

First time we had to do this and it was actually kind of fun. Here are the results.


So my wife is now part of an organization called Shoot like a Girl. It's a really cool group of girls with the focus on promoting shooting and hunting to girls of all ages. With that comes an obligation in the contract for my wife to provide some sponsor shots for products that are partnered with the company.

First time we had to do this and it was actually kind of fun. Here are the results.

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Hornady! Your basically a Nebraskan shooting that! I’ll see about getting you a green card. 😂
Back to plan A. Last night on way back to camp we were able to glass 2 of the 3 big bulls in the spot. The big boy we waited on was within 100 yards of where he was bedded the day before. The other good bull was down a bit but there was a Utah hunter we could see attempted to get close. He was over 1000 yards away and only 20 mins left. We are excepting some company this am so we got here very early.

Plan is we sneaked quietly to about 250 yards of the core spot and down wind of it. Steady west wind this am and supposed to stay the same. Once it gets light we will move and try to position ourselves closer and better and wait until 9am when he should be rolling in.

10 mins to type this and already heard over 100 bugles. It's non stop in literally every single direction. At least 8 bulls going off. Absolutely glorious!

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