Seen one of these?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Found an interesting case at one of the recreational shooting sites on the way to where I hiked today. It's a .223 case with a brass case head and plastic body. My photo won't upload and I'm having trouble resizing. Kind of odd and I'd never seen one before. My first thought was how can a plastic case provide neck tension? mtmuley
Its probably PCP ammo (polymer cased ammunition) its rare to come across it, last time I seen it was a couple years ago at NRA convention. They had a limited sale but are trying to push it more for military and LE use.
Interesting. Wonder how neck tension is controlled? Seems like the case head would separate from the polymer. Guess it is similar to a shotshell. mtmuley
Without seeing it, it could be Simunitions. It is a practice cartridge we use in SWAT Training that shoots a projectile with a light plastic head filled with red or other colored wax (lipstick) that marks the target when you hit it. We use them for force on force training (with head and face protection of course). They sting pretty good, so it makes you pay a little more attention to what you are doing, and practice good room clearing techniques to avoid the paint mark on your clothes (and the bruise). It's hard to tell someone "You didn't hit me" when you have the red splatter on your head or chest.
They will not chamber in a real firearm, and a real cartridge will not chamber in a Simuntions weapon, so there is no chance of live ammo being fired during training.
The weapons (.223) have the functioning upper that mounts directly to the lower of a regular AR-15 platform, and pistols are available in complete weapons or just the slide assembly for most handguns (Berettas, Glocks, etc).
I am just assuming that is what you have there.
If you were to try to chamber the one you found into a .223, and it fails to chamber, it could be the Simunitions round. If it does chamber, then it is possibly is a blank of some type. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
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I bought some about 10 years ago for my .223, it was relatively cheap if I remember. Seemed to shoot fine, but the concept took some getting used to. The only thing I could think of practical was to cut down on weight?
I'll try again to get a pic up. The case looks like a shotgun shell, brass case head and plastic body. I found it where a bunch of kids were partying, so I don't think it was Simunition. mtmuley
I'll try again to get a pic up. The case looks like a shotgun shell, brass case head and plastic body. I found it where a bunch of kids were partying, so I don't think it was Simunition. mtmuley

No, that doesn't sound like Simunitions. They have a brass case, and a plastic piece that is crimped into place instead of a bullet, and the "plastic projectile" is inserted into the plastic piece. The brass actually looks like a regular cartridge case with a headstamp and a regular primer.
Without seeing it, it could be Simunitions. It is a practice cartridge we use in SWAT Training that shoots a projectile with a light plastic head filled with red or other colored wax (lipstick) that marks the target when you hit it. We use them for force on force training (with head and face protection of course). They sting pretty good, so it makes you pay a little more attention to what you are doing, and practice good room clearing techniques to avoid the paint mark on your clothes (and the bruise). It's hard to tell someone "You didn't hit me" when you have the red splatter on your head or chest.
They will not chamber in a real firearm, and a real cartridge will not chamber in a Simuntions weapon, so there is no chance of live ammo being fired during training.
The weapons (.223) have the functioning upper that mounts directly to the lower of a regular AR-15 platform, and pistols are available in complete weapons or just the slide assembly for most handguns (Berettas, Glocks, etc).
I am just assuming that is what you have there.
If you were to try to chamber the one you found into a .223, and it fails to chamber, it could be the Simunitions round. If it does chamber, then it is possibly is a blank of some type. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Loved Simms training, don’t recall plastic cases though. I’ve been retired for 9 years however.
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