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Seeking more feedback

I have yet to win anything hunting related. Been putting in for these since my 30s LOL. But they say never say never.
Submitted responses.

I'm not sure if the option is practical for the platforms - and don't believe it was offered as an option (added as a write in):

A pay per view would be my choice. I'm personally not a fan of annual subscriptions for viewing programs. I'd prefer a $1 per annual viewing of an episode that is not censured and ad free. I'd imagine it would likely average or increase the annual revenue(?).
The problem I have with most subscriptions is you never knew exactly when they would be billed to your account. If subscriptions are used, they should be manually paid rather than autopay. Too many autopays gets cumbersome to track when yer paying bills. Pay as you go would be a better bet for me as long as the rates were reasonable and allow for those of us on limited income.
The very admittance of the word “gender” into the lexicon has helped create an alternate reality. Gender is for nouns. I digress.
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