Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

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Who is Ryan Busse? it's getting so damn hard to keep up with all the people I'm supposed to hate.

Basically he’s a man who worked for Kimber and now wrote a book about how bad the gun industry and its supporters are. He’s a hunter and a gun owner making a lot of people who want more gun laws in this country happy. Him and many others claim support for 2A but are against aspects like concealed carry and semi auto rifles. I get being against semi autos due to mass shootings but the concealed carry thing confuses me because there’s no evidence that CC is leading to mass causalities.

I’ve been hard on the guy on forums but quit following him a year or so ago. I did like when he stood up to the Bundys in person when he was working for BHA.

As an owner of an ar15, which I haven’t taken out of my safe in over 10 years, I would only support raising the age limit to purchase to say 25 years old max. And background checks that actually work and are enforceable. Anything other than that is a infringement on 2A and the way our government likes to control us out of fear. I realize many others will disagree with raising the age limit and think I’m anti 2A as well. Slippery slopes are slippery.

I agree with him in a way about the tactical gun porn industry. However, there are dozens of ways to solve/mitigate school shootings before we start banning more firearms outright.

The slide forum thread is a good one. Seek outsides response to it was pathetic, Kevin can’t even own up to his beliefs. In their podcast they compared owning military tanks and nukes to owning a semi auto rifle. He would make an excellent politician.
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Basically he’s a man who worked for Kimber and now wrote a book about how bad the gun industry and its supporters are. He’s a hunter and a gun owner making a lot of people who want more gun laws in this country happy. Him and many others claim support for 2A but are against aspects like concealed carry and semi auto rifles. I get being against semi autos due to mass shootings but the concealed carry thing confuses me because there’s no evidence that CC is leading to mass causalities.

I’ve been hard on the guy on forums but quit following him a year or so ago. I did like when he stood up to the Bundys in person when he was working for BHA.

As an owner of an ar15, which I haven’t taken out of my safe in over 10 years, I would only support raising the age limit to purchase to say 25 years old max. And background checks that actually work and are enforceable. Anything other than that is a infringement on 2A and the way our government likes to control us out of fear. I realize many others will disagree with raising the age limit and think I’m anti 2A as well. Slippery slopes are slippery.

I agree with him in a way about the tactical gun porn industry. However, there are dozens of ways to solve/mitigate school shootings before we start banning more firearms outright.

The slide forum thread is a good one. Seek outsides response to it was pathetic, Kevin can’t even own up to his beliefs. In their podcast they compared owning military tanks and nukes to owning a semi auto rifle. He would make an excellent politician.
Don’t you think there’s a limit to what weaponry civilians should own? If so, don’t you think it makes sense even ardent supporters of the 2nd amendment would have a different opinion on what that weaponry should be? These conversations are funny. The you “either agree with me or you’re against me” attitude is kind of exhausting after a while.
Don’t you think there’s a limit to what weaponry civilians should own? If so, don’t you think it makes sense even ardent supporters of the 2nd amendment would have a different opinion on what that weaponry should be? These conversations are funny. The you “either agree with me or you’re against me” attitude is kind of exhausting after a while.

Sure, that’s why I insinuated that owning a tank or nuke should not be apart of 2a nor should be compared to a basic semi auto rifle. Placing these weapons in the same discussion is ridiculous.

If/when citizens had to revolt against our own government it’s not like they would nuke their home land. I’m going to stop right here because any further is going to cascade into this giant stupid debate on how we can’t win a war against a tyrannical government blah blah.

Some here are clearly on a mission against the far right. I’m politically homeless so I could give 2 chits about either party. Although the left is def on an anti freedom crusade (except abortion) this century compared to the right. Edit: In general**
What we need is to cancel the extreme amongst us, left or right, that cannot even have a simple discussion or abide even the slightest disagreement from its near-religious belief system. Sadly, a portion of gun owners has gone to that extreme.

I am a strong 2A proponent, but see reasonable boundaries without which a boundless 2A becomes folly. In my opinion, the rambo-culture/gun-porn elements need to go.
When did we lose the capacity to discern between criticism of a single concept vs existential threat to life, liberty, party or country?
It occurred somewhere between 1985 and 2000. People should watch the Reagan /Mondale debate available on YouTube for a vision of how adults argue.
When did we lose the capacity to discern between criticism of a single concept vs existential threat to life, liberty, party or country?
It was back in the mid 80s when deregulation of radio allowed the explosion of conservative talk radio. Those guys created the environment where people you disagree with are enemies instead of people you disagree with. They also were the creators of cancel culture, but they didn't call it that. Now that model has permeated pretty much every part of American media thus Americans mindset.
It occurred somewhere between 1985 and 2000. People should watch the Reagan /Mondale debate available on YouTube for a vision of how adults argue.
Or episodes of the old PBS show Firing Line when William F. Buckley Jr. was the host. Though he did famously lose his cool with Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky.

Newt Gingrich is often viewed as instrumental to fostering the combative nature of American politics. But I'm sure the story involves more names than his, including many from the opposing party.

I recently came across (but have not read) a book called "The Polarizers: Postwar Architects of Our Partisan Era" that I'm interested in reading. From the cover: "Rosenfeld reveals the specific politicians, intellectuals, and operatives who worked together to heighten partisan discord, showing that our system today is not (solely) a product of gradual structural shifts but of deliberate actions motivated by specific agendas. Rosenfeld reveals that the story of Washington’s transformation is both significantly institutional and driven by grassroots influences on both the left and the right."
I predict cards to be hit next week? If I blank there, then MT, and if I blank there, then Utah.. and 3rd choice is MT general.

I've never seen a seek outside tent, are they nice?
I packed one when it was -15 for a week and I froze my ass off. The one night I ran around camp for 30 minutes in underwear, boots, and a puffy jacket at 2 am collecting more wood.

They do a pretty good job when it’s above 0* and wet out.
anyone interested in buying my cimarron with a large stove?

has nothing to do with Busse.

price will be equal to one special pronghorn application in wyo + shipping... OBO.

dang baby is forcing me to rethink shit i own and hardly use.
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