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Seeing red over WY "coyote whacking."

I doubt there’s that many people willing to tear up a pickup rather than just to shoot. My family had cattle growing up and yes coyotes are a huge nuisance. And it is quite sad to see a baby calf all torn up by coyotes, however my grandfather and father taught me to be a good steward of the land we used farming and raising livestock. And part of that means dealing with coyotes at least in a humane manner, don’t get me wrong I’ll shoot them from the pickup or tractor till the cows come home.But I can’t see any enjoyment in purposely running one over or shooting it to wound it. I don’t see a point in changing any laws though, at the end of the day people will do what they think is right.

How many videos need to be out there before it becomes a PR problem 2,3,10?
I quote I think has some merit in this discussion, at least from a 30,000 foot level is, "It's not ours, it's just our turn"- Doug Duren

"It" can be anything from wildlife, to land, to time. Treat It with respect knowing that at some point It will be your grandkids.
I live in ranch country, killing coyotes is close to a national pastime here. I hunt coyotes from October to March and do a little in the spring on some bird hunting honey holes, but I kill them I don't torment and torture or deliberately kill in a slow manner. It is just a shitty way to kill something, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. Just for the record I try to kill snakes quick and I don't throw fish up on the bank to suffocate
How many videos need to be out there before it becomes a PR problem 2,3,10?
The video’s are already out there, so if there is a PR problem it won’t go away as they are already on the web.Also there is nothing that says these guys are “hunters” . What I’m getting at is laws don’t stop people from making bad decisions. No, I don’t think running over coyotes with a sled is ok, but where I live in North Dakota it will get your sled confiscated and people still risk it
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I think people would be surprised at how much this goes on in places like eastern Montana. I have family out that way that run cattle and farm wheat. When I have been over there visiting in the winter it sure seems like this kind of coyote killing is a pretty popular way to "have a good time" when there is not much to do on the farm. They have a couple annual county wide predator derbys and from the bragging in the bar that I have heard, as long as there is good snow a majority of the coyotes are killed by being run over and suffocated. From the sounds of it, they do it because it is more fun that way than to shoot them. Not something I even remotely want associated with hunting, and I would hope something farmers and ranchers would not want associated with them either.
Dude... the only people displaying emotion in this thread are you and the OP. I promise you I could not care less about a few more dead coyotes.

My question is, if you admit it has no effect on the population, what purpose does it serve to kill an animal in such a cruel fashion? I’m simply calling out the pleasure people derive from doing that kind of thing. Should it be illegal? I’m not sure.
LOL. The only thing I said is I don't think a rancher running over a coyote is a criminal. Hardly getting emotional. And as mentioned I am perfectly fine with you having a different opinion. I am not trying to change your mind or laws in your state, just point out how broad the legislation the OP asked for was as well as how ridiculous it was to try to boycott a state over this.

Folks like yourself got emotional and started mixing what I said with these pleasure seekers in the videos which is a completely different activity. Go back and read what I said without your emotions getting the best of you. You will realize quickly that I never even discussed the torture in these videos. I referred to a much different situation with a rancher checking cows. Nothing more.

I don't want to criminalize people running over snakes, prairie dogs, and coyotes. As I suggested earlier I think if you stop being emotional and realize that the part you don't like is the torturing of these animals then there may be a way to write laws which focus on the torture part without criminalizing every person who drives over a snake, prairie dog, or coyote. That's where the logic needs to kick in and overtake your emotions.

Focus on a bill on torturing animals and you will get widespread support. A bill making a criminal out of ever person who runs over a snake, prairie dog, or coyote and you will get no support. It's really not complicated once you take your emotions out of it.

As far as your last questions you are just showing your emotion again. I never mentioned these "pleasure people", I specifically mentioned ranchers checking cows and trying to run a coyote over. You just let your emotions get the best of you and ran with it. LOL. Don't feel bad, you aren't the only one who got emotional in this thread.

Keep in mind the only point I made was that a rancher running over a coyote while checking cows was not a criminal IMO. I think you will find most people feel the same way I do in MT and WY. But as always you are entitled to your own opinion.
The act is attached to snowmobilers more so than hunters. I'm not sure this is a pr problem for our community.

Except that several of the videos refer to hunting in title. Sure, we know that it's not hunting, but others might not and anyone outright opposed to hunting will happily seize on the description from the title.
Yup there is a time for killing and hunting. I think some peoples views are because they may live in a western state know for wilderness but they really are just city or subdivision folks. Plant seed and spend dark to dark getting it to grow at all costs and no excuses. Ill tell you you are gonna put your way of life and income before certain animals and insects right or wrong thats the way it needs to be. If it takes killing predatory animals or varmits so be it. A mans got a right to protect his property and way of life. Thats not hunting its just killing so be it. That same man may spend time and money doing habitat improvements for many species of animals but just because he kills to protect his way of life doesn't make him a bad guy.
People, regardless of your position on this topic, can we just all agree to STOP saying "ME PERSONALLY"? Holy shit, not only is it horrible grammar, it just makes you sound stupid when you say it. I know most here are not stupid. Grammar up bros.
People, regardless of your position on this topic, can we just all agree to STOP saying "ME PERSONALLY"? Holy shit, not only is it horrible grammar, it just makes you sound stupid when you say it. I know most here are not stupid. Grammar up bros.

LOL. I dunno man, I have to type real technical and specific all day long for work. Maybe I just wanna take a brake?? (😁)
I love a good boycott...count me in!

Syke! 🤣

PRAIRIEHUNTER you might as well save your breath. They have already labeled you. Common sense has gone by the wayside and emotions have taken over.
I am just wondering how many on this board think trapping is cruel and should not be allowed.
In the mid 70s we use snow machines to catch them but we would either use a varmint round or a hand gun. We were selling the hides and the peak $100++ was the average. We did not want to mess the hide up and running over them would have lowered the prices. I have not chased them for years, but let one get in front of my riffle barrel and see what happens BANG.
People, regardless of your position on this topic, can we just all agree to STOP saying "ME PERSONALLY"? Holy shit, not only is it horrible grammar, it just makes you sound stupid when you say it. I know most here are not stupid. Grammar up bros.
👋 Guilty lol. Wasn’t thinking when I was typing, but then again never claimed to be the smartest man. I’ll try to use better grammar, but me personally have never been good at it. <= okay last one. I promise.
I think coyote hunting is great. I think if you want to run up to them on your sled and shoot them, fine. But I think if you run them over repeatedly, torture, suffocate, ect., you’re a lowlife piece of garbage. Doesn’t matter if it’s a coyote, deer, prairie dog, or mouse. Animals should be respected whether they’re big game or not.
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My first job was at a car dealership in North Central Nebraska. Ranch country. There were several ranchers who ran greyhounds for coyotes. They would buy a brand new pickup every few years and completely destroy them chasing coyotes to get as close as possible before releasing the dogs. I can remember complete front axles ripped out from underneath them. They would even drive through their own fences if there wasn't a gate close by. I'm not saying this behavior is common. It was like they became possessed by their hatred or lust or whatever it was that drove them.
Coyote America by Dan Flores is a really good book about the history of coyotes in North America. We facilitated their spread by eliminating their biggest competitor (wolves) and then tried to completely eliminate them as a species yet the wiley coyote continued and continues to spread across the land. They are survivors that deserve our respect for that fact alone. I'm not against predator hunting but juvenile, blood lust behavior should not be condoned by any respectable hunter regardless of species.
It reminds me of another book that I read recently. It was a history of settlers in the White River valley here in the Ozark mountains. It recounted cases of settlers skinning wolves alive in order to teach them a lesson and enact revenge for livestock losses. Can you even imagine that kind of ignorant, cruel thinking ? I can't but some of the blind hatred mindset against coyotes isn't that far removed from it.
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