Seeing Any Bears Yet????


New member
Jun 5, 2005
Idaho Falls, ID
Anyone seeing any bears out yet? Idaho season opened on Saturday. I decided against putting out bait due to the amount of snow still in the high country. Been talking to a lot of guys that are out and about and they are not seeing any signs of bear yet.
I saw a bear last Wednesday up in my area. Not a real big bear, but a bear none the less. He seemed to be slightly groggy and was kinda walking gingerly. He was also pigging out on cheatgrass.
bears out

I had a buddy tell me he cold trailed a bear this last saturday all day that had been out rolling rocks. I was out of town two weeks ago and this weekend it rained and then easter sunday....maybe next week. However, that bear video I posted "bearhole" was caught on April 2nd of this year. hump

I had cast the dogs up a narrow drainage and they struck a small lion track in the dirt. About half way out, the dogs began to give more voice and increase their trailing speed. As they topped the ridge, they blew out up the country about two miles and bayed what I thought was the small lion under a sandstone ledge. Funny thing, there were several fir trees right there and I thought: "what a dumb lion."

I got the video camera out and shot some film then got on my knees to film the cat......peeked in and found a bear! |oo

My blue Ryan dog got his eyelid ripped open and my little Black & White Rowen dog got a three-inch gash along her jaw just ahead of her ear.:mad: I got Ryan tied back right away on a chain then shot a little more video before pulling the other four hounds.

Looking back, I figured they must have swithced onto that bear track going up the ridge when the trail speed picked up. So that bear had to be out doing something on April 2nd???????:) :)

Good luck guys and post up with pictures.

(one will work for sure, the mpeg is a larger file)
Hondo - Saw a bear up in Indian Valley. Good looking black probably just a 5 footer. I'll get some pics up of him. He was just out rolling rocks and eating grass.
I still have 5-6 feet of snow in my spots, so I'm thinking it's gonna be a couple of weeks yet for me. I sure wish we'd get more than one warm day a week around here...this meltage is gonna take forever.
Here are a couple pics of the bear I saw.


