
See what the cats dragged in...(intro.)

  • Thread starter RogueWarrior1957
  • Start date



Goes to show what happens when you leave the door unlocked! A critter got in!
Several of you already know me from elsewhere. I came here for a fresh start with old friends, and the new friends I make along the way. As far as I'm concerned, this is a fresh new slate...with none of the marred images from the past.

For those who don't know me, I live in the Northwestern portion of New Mexico in the arid foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I believe the elevation is around 6000 feet, and my hometown has a population of about 6500 people. That's about 1000 more people than when I was growing up here. I moved to the area 33 years ago and hope to call it home always. I really like it here.

We have several great hunting areas available within driving distance of my home, in the Carson National Forest, and Cibola National Forest. New Mexico has gone to the tag lottery system for large game animals, so there are times that I don't draw a hunt. In those times, I hunt with my camera. Navajo Reservoir lies a few miles east of me and offers fishing, boating, and camping. The San Juan River offers some of the country's finest quality trout waters in the 5 mile stretch immediately below Navajo Dam. One of my former classmates is an outfitter on the San Juan.

Ive been employed at the same electric power generating facility for well over 20 years, though my occupation has changed many times due to restructuring and downsizing. Adaptation and survival are my forte. My main background is in industrial water treatment and chemistry. Presently, I run the Tool Department for Units 1 & 2 Maintenance.

I also enjoy Jeeping, motorcycling, photography, hunting & fishing, computers, and much more than I can list here. I enjoy meeting people of similar interests, and endeavor to treat others as I wish to be treated. I'm always glad to lend a hand if someone is in need, and believe in shouldering my fair share of the responsibilities. I would never pretend to be perfect...I'm just me.
"For within each of us lie the divine and the diabolical, the sinner and the saint."

Hopefully, I will become a friend and asset to all concerned. Sorry for the grand-standing and long post.

My regards,
Yo uhave no Idea about long posts unless you read any of the ADVEBTURES WITH MOOSIE/GUNNER in the Waterfoul section and Elk section

Well, You are indeedy greatly welcomed here. Anyone coming in for fun for refuge or not is Welcomed. I like Long introductions because it helps with getting to know people, but my memory is short so You'll need to post alot so I remember ya

BIG BIG Moosie Welcome and thanx for the Into !!!
E Pluribus Unum and a tabula rasa to you Rouge Warrior!!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 12:01: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
"tabula rossa"??? What the heck is that? If you mean "blank slate" a la John Locke, I think you wanted to say tabula rasa. Sorry Paws, its seldom I get to correct you.

Welcome aboard RW!
LOL @ Toonces!!
My High School Latin teacher, MS Dora Brockett, referred to me as "Punk Citizen" and I named her "The Nasty Old Roman"! She passed me through Latin 1 with a D+ and nearly fainted when I showed up for Latin II the following year!
Thanks Toonces; I guess Lawyers are good for some things!!
Tabula Rasa, Tabula Rasa, Tabula Rasa......
Hey; Isn't that what I said??

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 12:04: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>

It was close enough to the Spanish phrase "Tabla erasa" that I caught the drift!


P.S. A big thanks to everyone for the big welcome.

"Nevermind me...I suffer from multiple 'scaroso!"

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 14:38: Message edited by: RogueWarrior1957 ]</font>
Hey there RW good to see you. Watch yourself around Moosie though he likes to make folks think he's slow and has dim lights when actually he's burning a solid 70 watts and he's sharper then a butter knife
and if you ever get the pleasure of hunting with him Please don't let him wash the pans, especially in the river

Welcome to the sit RW.

Happy trails

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 16:15: Message edited by: Ridge Runner ]</font>
It is nice to see so many new names around here as of late. Welcome to Moosie's home RW1957. Thanks for the introduction above and I hope to see you around these parts often.