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Section of BLM camping restricted?

About 10ish years ago I was camped on USFS land in a spot I'd camped dozens of times in years previously. A man stopped by our camp to chat. He said the spot was permitted for the season to the outfitter that had the permit for the area. And, if the outfitter came up, I'd have to leave. I proceeded to call BS and said the only one that would make me leave was the LEO. After the hunt, I called the local USFS office and asked. Sure enough the outfitter had it permitted but was choosing not to use the site. And, was told if the outfitter wanted to use it, I would have to move. I questioned why there was no signage to inform the public and that I'd be furious if that were to happen while I was camped there.

Wow. That’s nothing short of negligence by the USFS in my mind - setting the stage for a potentially bad confrontation.

Also makes me think that when the expansion or implementation of outfitting permits on public lands is considered, a reasonable question the public should ask the agency is, “ Are you going to prohibiting public camping at any of historic public camping spots in favor of the permittee?” If so, that would be an unacceptable impact.
Wow. That’s nothing short of negligence by the USFS in my mind - setting the stage for a potentially bad confrontation.

Also makes me think that when the expansion or implementation of outfitting permits on public lands is considered, a reasonable question the public should ask the agency is, “ Are you going to prohibiting public camping at any of historic public camping spots in favor of the permittee?” If so, that would be an unacceptable impact.
I guess another thought on that is that these outfits are usually set up for 3 months here in Montana. I’m sure they are paying and only allowed to camp in that spot due to staying over the 16 days a commoner such as myself is allowed
We talked to another ranch owner yesterday who told us that the guy who ran us off has been in trouble for it before and that we could call the warden if we wanted to. I'll see if my blm call gets returned today.

You do you, but if it turns out that guy was full of it, I hope you do turn him in. The world needs as much comeuppance as possible.
I’d move back and I’d make sure I had my cell phone in my pocket recording the whole exchange.
This is unfortunately accurate. A Sheriff once told us to leave an area of Gila National Forest after an outfitter called him. The sheriff said he didn’t want us screwing up the hunt the client had paid $19,000 for on a bull the outfitter had pre scouted. “I’m sure you boys can find some more elk somewhere else” he said.

The OP is being bluffed, but don’t call the locally elected sheriff, call the game warden.
This is Wyoming. You will get a criminal trespass ticket after the fact when the ranch owner whines to the local DA and Sheriff.

You weren't near Elk Mountain were you? You some kind of corner crossing rebel?
I wouldn’t escalate a situation without a necessity personally. There is risk that’s not worth it. Report what you know and keep it moving.
I've made some sarcastic posts in this thread, but this is the truth. Getting shot by an asshole means you die with your male pride intact.
Go hunt.
Yeah I dont plan to, just saying the thought crossed my mind. Lotta time to think sitting on these hills glassing.
I'd call the warden. He likely knows the guy and will be able to give you a straight answer. The BLM is tough to get ahold of sometimes and you may not find anyone who knows.
FWIW Outfitter designated camps is a real thing. They pay a fee to have exclusive use of an area during their permitted season. The sign usually looks something like THIS:
It could also be on a Grazing Permit cabin, or patrol cabin for the Game & Fish Dept.

These sites are part of the Special use permit the permitee pays and will often transfer with the permit.

I don't know how the BLM does things though. Usually corrals and cabins are on small pieces of private that grazing leases are attached to . If the Grazing permit is retired and the BLM takes over the site, they will usually have a protocol for using the site. However I am unaware of any restrictions on Dispersed camping other than to prevent resource degradation.
Final update then I'll let the thread die from my end. Ran into the warden today and explained the whole deal. He immediately knew who we were talking about and said he gives hunters a hard time and nobody really gets along with us. Didn't really ask for anything more than that, but he did say to call him if we have anymore trouble. Said we were totally able to camp and hunt there.
Final update then I'll let the thread die from my end. Ran into the warden today and explained the whole deal. He immediately knew who we were talking about and said he gives hunters a hard time and nobody really gets along with us. Didn't really ask for anything more than that, but he did say to call him if we have anymore trouble. Said we were totally able to camp and hunt there.
So basically the landowner was full of chit? I would keep hassling the blm about this until they call you back. If the landowner has a grazing lease and he is hassling hunters that should be something the field office deals with him on regarding his grazing permit.