Kenetrek Boots

Season in review - more lessons

That is awesome you got to see your Dad take a doe and get to field dress it for him! My Dad is hesitant to kill nowadays but I always say I will gut it if he kills it! Thanks for the write up!
MTelkHuntress...... You seem to have "ELK FEVER" really bad! My recommendation would be to expand your known hunting areas and practice with your bow and bugle. When that day comes around, the stars align and you are standing over your first bull, all your past frustrations will just fade away. Savor each day in the hills and soak up what they will tell you. Also, it sounds like you have a great hunting partner....savor every moment of that time spent together!

Good Luck in all the years to come,

MTelkHuntress...... You seem to have "ELK FEVER" really bad! My recommendation would be to expand your known hunting areas and practice with your bow and bugle. When that day comes around, the stars align and you are standing over your first bull, all your past frustrations will just fade away. Savor each day in the hills and soak up what they will tell you. Also, it sounds like you have a great hunting partner....savor every moment of that time spent together!

Good Luck in all the years to come,

I can thank my dad for that! He had me calling for him when I was pretty young but he always wanted that really big bull of a lifetime on the mountain. Expanding to new hunting areas is definitely the new daunting of a task as it seems!
Caribou Gear

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