Season ended with a bang


New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA

Last day of cat season so I took this old wore out redbone and killed a cat with her
Way to go Tobey !!! How come I cant get dogs like that ???????? We need to get a couple bear hunters booked for that week in Sept Tobey. I am really looking forword to it.
Man where can I come up with some of that white stuff there in the background? I run a nice bob Tuesday, but he got into the ledges and kicked the dogs butts. Man he was a big pretty grey colored one...wanted him pretty bad. Sposed to maybe get some snow next week.....hope so..our bob season ends the 17th.........congrats Tobey
Hey Catman, we got a little of the white stuff up my way and into Logan on Sunday night!!!!
How is your season going? I talked to the guy in Morgan last week and he said they got 6 and his buddy 3 before the quota was filled. Said they were running around like a bunch of crazy men trying to get the hunts in before the quota was up!
I wiss I could Email you some snow :D Last time we tried that it lost all it's white in syberspace :D We got another 6" here today but now our season is over :mad: I only hunted 9 days this year.Put the dogs on 10 tracks got 6 of them jumped and killed 4 .Our Fish and Game shortened our season by 15 days this year witch sucks Feb. is always our best hunting conditions.Hope you get some snow.
we got 4 inches of nice snow last night.Then it has poured rained all day.Sharp sharp crust on top now.It will be a long time before we are running here.You get any rain on top Tobey??
George,we got bout 7" here with no rain.Did pour sleet for quite for a while.Solid ice,didnt stick.We've got an easy 36" here now with very little base to it.The snowsledders are pourin in from all over.
Man Guys....I'm a jealous SOB :D :D I hope like heck it snows here. They say maybe next week....Damm seasons gonna end on bobs and I've yet to get one killed :mad: :mad: Cya'll
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