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Season 4 DVDs - Now taking orders

This is when we need to be reaaallly nice to Mrs Fin - remember, she is the one who lets Randy out of the house in September, October and November.

I am looking forward to my DVDs (I am the cheapskate without cable) but understand that it is out of the Fin's control.
Coming soon to a mailbox near you.

Nice...been waiting for it. I'm in the same boat...I don't shell out the bucks for cable or satellite either, I'd rather use it for gear.
Big Fin, Did you notice the milestone in the last post? You just need 3000 more to hit the big one.

Made me realize that my wifes handyman, hasn't taken town the christmas tree yet either.
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Hi Randy,
So, do you ship to the UK?
I can't get your TV channel over here.

I know I can ship to the UK, Richard. Just a matter of what you want and I can measure the postage and let you know. Send me a PM if interested.
Watched all the elk and wolf episodes last night. Nailed the essence of Co elk but favored the Az episode best. Excellent narrative and video quality. Critter made some good shots.

Good message for sure.
Oh man! Can't wait to check my mail box. Fingers crossed I get to watch a wolf hunt tonight.
Loved the videos Fin. They have come along way since Season 1. Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see what Fresh Tracks brings us.
Just finished watching season 3 on DVD.
Great stuff Randy.

The season 4 DVD is calling my name, gotta go.

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