SE Ak bear hunt dates?


Jun 21, 2011
planning my south east alaska black bear hunt. To those that have done this hunt what do you think is the right date window to go? Early May to catch first green up? Mid May for more bears out? Late May for better weather? Early June for the rut?
Those that have hunted POW did you find more of your bears on the coast or in logging cuts? It seems to me the logging cuts would get more pressure because it is easier access but maybe with the sheer size of the island the pressure isn't enough to matter.
planning my south east alaska black bear hunt. To those that have done this hunt what do you think is the right date window to go? Early May to catch first green up? Mid May for more bears out? Late May for better weather? Early June for the rut?
Those that have hunted POW did you find more of your bears on the coast or in logging cuts? It seems to me the logging cuts would get more pressure because it is easier access but maybe with the sheer size of the island the pressure isn't enough to matter.

Headed out for the first time next week, I'll let you know how how it goes.
I like early May myself first or second week before they rub. Fewer bear out and it can vary with early/late spring. Great trip
I've seen way more pressure on the coast than cuts it's the easier hunt. I prefer the boat much more relaxing being on the water.
Bears don't all stand up at the same time. Some of the rubbed Bear hunters see in early to late May are the earlier risers. They can hang the den for a week or even two while waking up. Then make their way to the lower elevations and beaches. Some even come out of the den kinda rubbed up (hair loss), because they have been sucking or licking on their front legs while in the den. Some have snow or brush burn and are baldish from their elbows down and taller spring grass makes that hard to see. Some don't stand up till mid May or later. Some of those will have very good hides with no rubs even into June. But you should be careful on the later hunts as more Sows with cubs of the year will be out.
Mid may is when I killed mine and we saw most of our bears on the coast. Saw a small female on a river as well.

Id definitely get a skiff and cruise the shorelines.
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