SD Deadhead Elk story


New member
Dec 27, 2016
Northern, MN
A couple buddies of mine went to South Dakota for a long weekend to do some shed hunting. About halfway through the second day one of them called me and said he found an elk deadhead and asked if I could look if there was a way to legally keep it (otherwise he would leave it there). I sent him the list of game wardens for the area told him to give them a call and see if he could get a salvage tag. After he got ahold of one them he was told to send his information along and that we could keep it. After a couple hours he got a call back from another game warden asking if he could bring the deadhead to a nearby town for a salvage tag. They got to town and met the game warden only to be told they weren’t allowed to keep it anymore because they were non residents. Anyone ever hear of a rule like that? Seems a bit silly to jump through all the hoops and try to be by the books only to get screwed over. Needless to say they were pretty frustrated to waste a day only to get it taken away.
Having a hard time corroborating with actual law codes, but it appears Deadheads are owned by the state.

Ya, SD is tricky when it comes to sheds and dead heads off public land.

Year or two ago they sent out an email that it was illegal to take sheds or mushrooms off public land owned by the GFP. I think now its been revised to allow it.

Stinks that happened to you guys though, got a picture of the head for us curious folks?
Just seems like an odd rule. It wasn’t a huge bull but it was his first elk find.


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From an email I got from GFP March 12, 2021.
Are You Ready for Spring Shed Hunting?
Below are reminders for you, your friends and your family before you head out!

Spring means being outdoors in South Dakota and for many people, spring means searching for deer and elk antlers. The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Department would like to remind outdoor enthusiasts about the rules of hunting, or searching for, shed antlers.
Reminders for shed antler hunters:
  • It is ok to hunt for shed antlers on public lands owned by GFP as well as on Forest Service lands.
  • Be sure to get permission from landowners prior to accessing Walk-In Areas.
  • Shed hunters may possess detached antlers. However, you cannot take antlers with the skull still attached on public or private lands.
"Shed antler hunting has gained popularity across the country and South Dakota is no exception," said GFP Law Enforcement Chief, Sam Schelhaas. "It is a great way to spend time with your family and friends outside in the spring. We hope these reminders are helpful to folks as they go explore the outdoors.
The only thing I could find was on page 46 of the regulation book and that was only for the gfp owned lands. I won’t link it because warmers post shows it a lot better. That does suck that it got taken away. It would probably be helpful if that information was able to be searched on the game and fish website. Or if all the info he posted was in the regulation book.

Anyway here’s another story, in 2001ish my dad and I both had black hills elk tags. He had an archery tag and I as a lowly eighth grader drew a rifle tag my first year applying. After spending a ton of time scouting all summer and walking all over the place my dads tag was first in September of course. He hunted a ton got on a bunch of elk. One day he sees a 6 point that he thinks is laying on another side of some rocks. Waits the bull out for awhile, decides that since the bull hadn’t move for awhile something was up. Walks up to it and the rocks turned out to be the spine with a pretty nice deadhead attached haha. The following spring we go out looking for sheds and I find a small six point deadhead. I was pretty excited because it was my first deadhead I had found. Some time goes by and some people my dad knows tell him we could get a ticket for having them. So he calls the fish cops to try and get a tag or seal or something. They get confiscated and our info is taken. I was bummed my dad was bummed, life went on. Well a couple years later, I’m talking like 4-5 because I was already gone and in the army. My dad get a call from game and fish and they say they’ve done away with the law and if we want the heads to come pick them up. Honestly it was pretty cool of the guy to contact us because I’m sure he didn’t have to.

So I know how your buddy feels.
@warmer the deal about being able to keep the skull plate but not the entire skull, is that new because of cwd? I have never heard or seen that mentioned before.
I don’t know the answer and will not speculate on the GFP reasoning. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of common sense in the Dept after Noem took over.
It has been that way for some time and has nothing to do with her. The reasoning I was told is to prevent somebody from shooting a buck or bull that didn't have a license and then just going back later to pick up the dead head with the antlers and keeping it as a trophy.
It has been that way for some time and has nothing to do with her. The reasoning I was told is to prevent somebody from shooting a buck or bull that didn't have a license and then just going back later to pick up the dead head with the antlers and keeping it as a trophy.
I’ve heard that too, which I think is part of the problem, everyone’s heard different shit. The only mention of sheds or anything in the regulation book is about GFP owned land. And even that is kind of vague. Seems like it would be easy enough to put that in the regulation book for everyone to find. Not through an email that you’ll only get if you’re on the email list. Also to add, and this isn’t directed at you Dakota79 but if someone is a big enough douche to poach are they really going to leave the critters out over winter. I mean I understand how that could happen, just seems unlikely.
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The SD GFP is a master of vagueness. They are also able to bury important information somewhere on their website that requires a forensic scientist to find.
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