Scratch or tool mark in chamber


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2017
I have a .300 WSM not going to mention the maker it will most likely derail the thread if I do...
Any way since I have had it I noticed that my fired casings have a scratch or impression on the side wall. Didn't worry to much about it but I decided to try some 180 gr Barnes TTSX out of it, I was only feeding it 150 gr Nosler AB. The 180s have more pressure and it seems the grove in the case is deeper and the bolt opens harder. No signs of high pressure on the primer or head stamp. Just wondering if you have any thoughts, or if I should even worry about it? It is a tack driver so I hate to send it in for repair which would mean a new barrel most likely.20180802_161715.jpg20180802_162308.jpg
If you look in the chamber pic you can see what looks like a white line that runs from about the 8 to 11 o'clock position.
Do you have any local gunsmiths? Should be a quick fix to have him polish it out. If not I'd say send it back to the manufacturer and let them fix it for you.
Have you tried reloading any of the fired cases to see if the integrity of the case has been compromised? Looks like a nasty gouge. Since the gouge is IN the case that means the burr is not etched in the chamber and can be cleaned out.
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A few light turns with a finish reamer might be all you need

Kinda what I was thinking. I contacted the manufacturer and it would be a month turn around from them. Also it shoots great and I would like to have a load developed for my CDS. Loosing a month would hurt when I leave Oct 18th to go hunting.
Thanks for posting and showing the pictures.
I have never seen or heard of a imperfection or tool mark like what you have there. The tool marks I have seen were much smaller and not raised ,as it appears the one is you have shown.
So much for all Chambers being the same exact specs as many believe.
Hopefully you can get that polished out before you need your rifle this season.
I've seen two different manufacturers whose chambers needed to be redone. Had the factory do it on their dime, one time got the gun back very quickly, the other time not so quick. If you've used a local gunsmith whose work you like, have him look it over.
I had a 'premium' after market barrel with a bad chamber, took it into a local smith who fixed it very quickly. When I went to pay him he said there would be no charge. He said he uses that brand of barrel frequently, so he called up their shop and told them he was taking my charges off his next order with them. After that he's been the guy I go to whenever I need a gunsmith.
No factory chamber is going to be the same. They run hundreds of barrels with a single reamer. Also that mark looks like a chip may have been rolled.
Where are you located? Do you have any well known gunsmith in your area?
Thank you for all of your advice. Manufacturer contacted me right away and want me to ship it back....which is what I was afraid of. They said the consistency of all the marks on the cases is interesting and there is definitely reason for concern. I hate spending that kind of money on a gun and having to ship it back and then having to wait a month. Might have to take one of my other rifles. Unfortunately none are as light as this one, other than my .243, which would do for mule deer but would like a bit more umph for elk.
Did you try using something like a dental pick to reach in there and see if it "pops out" ? Or put some Kroil in the chamber, let it soak, then use a bronze brush big enough to fit the chamber and scrub it out? If it is a chip, and not a defect in the chamber, it might come out. It might be worth a try before removing your scope, shipping it back, and hoping to get it back in time to hunt with it.
Also have you tried filling a fired case with water to see if any leaks out? Or reloaded any of the fired cases to see if they hold up?

If twas me and the gun shot ok right now I'd wait until after hunting season to send it back. Or send it back and use a different gun if I didn't get it back in time. You'd think that if the manufacturer proof tested it that they'd have seen that.
If you have an aftermarket trigger or any trigger work be advised most manufacturers will not return the rifle without replacing the trigger. If you did swap the trigger for aftermarket I'd suggest installing the factory trigger before shipping back.
If you have an aftermarket trigger or any trigger work be advised most manufacturers will not return the rifle without replacing the trigger. If you did swap the trigger for aftermarket I'd suggest installing the factory trigger before shipping back.

Or ship it back without a trigger. They'll put on a temp if the need to.
Hey HT family, good news. I got my rifle back! They did replace the barrel and gave it an up grade with a removable muzzle break. I don't care for them but if they allow hunting with a suppressor some day my barrel is now threaded for one. I had 0 dollars invested and a fast turn around. I am happy. They did not tell me what happened and they probably wont, but they stand behind their products and that is what matters to me.
Great news! I'm glad there are companies that still stand by their products! Best of luck on the season!
Always nice when a company stands behind their products. I'm glad you got it back with plenty of time for load development.
Good to know, glad it worked out. Fireforming a smooth case will set your mind at ease.

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