
Scoring Bucks ... TAKE 1

So Buckspy has a little PEE PEE and doesn't want to play now ? Start a Topic #2 and post a picture that you've downloaded from the net punk :D

Bambi, thanx :cool:
Don't tell anyone but I'm going to post a photo of something besides a meat buck to field judge on. Maybe even one I have the sheds off of so I won't have to have OSOK chewing on my ass about how damn much he knows. :D

What happened to all the big Idaho bucks from the last few years? A big influx of Utards kill them all in the off season? (This is a joke for those of you who hail from the LDS nation a.k.a. Utah. I really do have quite a few friends in Utah)

Beehive state?
At 6'7"Its a good thing I'm not to scale Moosie as I would just have to resort to a stump-broke mule. :eek:

"Hoping to come up with a good quote pretty soon."
You're a Big Puss, I thought they said you were rude and OK with it, But then you follow up your "Utah Insult" with a "I have good friend s there BLAH BLAH BLAH... ;) ) .. (PS, My wife is LDS so ....
) ...

All my Idaho Bucks are Meat bucks to guys like you. But it's all relative really. I consider my bucks like C size boobies. They are nice to Get and mount and most guys would be happy with them but all the magazines carry the D size ones... :D :D

Hey, when a guy asks a question! I hope he don't have a problem w/ receiving the answer... Besides, it's not my fault I'm right all the time!!!

I would have to score the above buck at 192 and 16/64ths gross frame nontypical!!! There, I showed you. :D


Almost forgot!


Those bucks are more like a double masectomy, to a guy like BS'r! I know I've seen some A's that even someone w/ as much clout as he, would be flemming over! ;)

[ 03-15-2004, 16:36: Message edited by: OSOK ]
My buddy's buck scores right at 189 7/8 gross with the 2 extras added in. He isn't much over 22 inches wide outside spread. He's one buck that really had me guessing low when I field judged him. For those guys who are stuck on width, this buck would probably get passed on, but I'd rather take a tall, narrow, deep forked buck like this than a 30 inch wide, shallow forked willow horned buck any day.
try this one..I have held the sheds so I know what he will score. I also held a shed off the buck U posted moosie..I know what he should score...

With the kicker, I'm going to say 27" outside and 180 gross 169 net.
I was only off by about 30" on the last one !
(dang, maby that last forkey I shot was bigger than I thought )
A-CON, Looks like you and Me are the only ones Playing ;)

I would say 25" with 3-4" of Kickers. But hell, In the picture for a Rooky like me it's hard to tell at those angles. It's like Looking at a Chick thats Good from A far... but Far from good ... :D

It looks like the Fromt Forks are good and the back ones aren't bad but I can't really tell if the Right side Forks well.. OR even at all with those pics, Besides seeing a bit or break in Pic 2. The mass it has doesn't lok like It's lacking going back either.

I'm going to stick with I wouldn't Blink 3 times at shooting it....

Thanx for the Picture Browtine, I always enjoy them !!!

Unlike TK, I'm Ill Equipt to post my #'s on the Score .

HEY BC BOY, How'd you get the 190" (And don't say "WITH A GUN, I meant how did ya get the score
) just out of Curiosity. (THANX)
Moosie. Here is a close up pic of that buck. Throw a score out and I will give you the final score of his sheds. These pictures were taken by my brother on the same day.

The first buck you posted scores 148..20 inch spread.18 inside spread credit. The buck posted above has an extremely large body...when I showed a couple guys the pics, they all guessed him really low. I couldnt explain how good of a deer this is. His body was big making him look smaller. 1 thing that really helps in field judging a deer is scoring sheds. Its a bonus to get the sheds off a buck you have been watching. But look at other peoples sheds and start scoring them in your mind...just figure if you have an 80 inch horn, you probably have a 180 buck depending on the beams and inside..if not 180, very close to.. I always look at the beam first. Look at the distance between the base and the where the g2 splits...I think the hardest thing to judge on a deer is his beams. I then look at the g2's. In my oppinion an average 170 buck will only have 15 or 16 inch g2's. an above average buck will be alot longer pushing 19. Then I look at the g4's. Anything over 12 is a great g4 and should boost a score alot. I am no expert by any means. Infact im probably ignorant compaired to most people on this site. But those are a few things I have learned over the years.
Thanx for the Info.... I'm running out the Door for a few (But I'll be back.. BUUUAHAHAHA !!!) but I got your Email too. Nice bucks !!
the answer to that deer sheds are 190. That deer had some great mass. I have also seen the same genetics off another buck in that area..and when the sheds were put together, they were almost identical.

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