Yeti GOBOX Collection

Scope selection ideas


Active member
Dec 24, 2017
I pulled the trigger on buying a new elk rifle.

I landed on the Weatherby model 307 Meat Eater edition in a 7mm PRC. I have been shooting the 7PRC for a while and love its performance in the field and at the range. I used to shoot the 7rem mag a lot and the PRC cartridge far surpasses the rem mags performance.

Now I need scope ideas. Last rifle I set up with a luepold VX6 in a 3x18 and would go back to that but am also open to other ideas. So I come to the collective wisdom of Hunt Talk to open the floor.

Need more info. What will you shoot for range? Hunting only or will you shoot steel at long range for fun too? How much adjustment range do you need? Simple reticle or busy? Illuminated?
Need more info. What will you shoot for range? Hunting only or will you shoot steel at long range for fun too? How much adjustment range do you need? Simple reticle or busy? Illuminated?

Mostly hunting CO for elk so when hunting under say 4-500 yards. Steel? Yes out to a mile or so quite often. When at the range I typically shoot with retired green beret snipers out of the 5th group.
Need more info. What will you shoot for range? Hunting only or will you shoot steel at long range for fun too? How much adjustment range do you need? Simple reticle or busy? Illuminated?
Schmalts is correct: A little more info would be helpful or you’ll go down a rabbit hole with way too many considerations.

Power min-max, SFP vs. FFP, tube size preferred, reticle preferred, are you an illuminated reticle fan, and probably what is your preferred budget, any manf. preference?
Do you dial or set it and forget? Type of terrain, open country, thick timber, MIL or MOA? Lots of variables to consider.
Depends. Hunting I dial it at a setting and know my hold from +/- 200 yards that way if I have to shoot quick I’m not monkeying with a dial.

At the range I make adjustments. I’ve been a MOA guy but a lot of my range buddies are mil because they shoot that way.

I like Luepold plus their discounts make it hard to pass up. I can also get stuff from Vortex at their SOCOM discount level which is healthy.
If you are shooting out to a mile for fun, make sure you get a tube size with enough travel room. The Mark 5 are pretty sweet.

This one should fit the bill quite nicely.

This one should fit the bill quite nicely.
I’m not sure the 5.5x bottom end would work in timber as a minimum magnification. I’ll look into it more though.
I’m not sure the 5.5x bottom end would work in timber as a minimum magnification. I’ll look into it more though.
The 5.5 should be ok in the timber.

I went a NFS after I messed up a coupe of other a scopes. Schmalts knows what he is talking about.
I bought the same gun. I went and have looked at scopes several times. The one that stood out for me in my price range was the New Swaro Z5I+. That is most likely what ill be putting on mine.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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