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Scope Recommendations under $200

Seeing a lot of love for Leupold, Nikon, and Burris.

I have a Nikon prostaff 3-9x40 on my other rifle, and by the conversation I’m kinda being swayed to stick to what I know. It would prevent needing any adjustment l when going between rifles at the very least….but variety is also the spice of life.
I was looking for a moderate priced scope last year. I bought a burris fullfield IV. It held zero through quite a few range sessions, flying west, hunting antelope for a week, flying home and deer season.
It's not great glass, but plenty bright for low light and what I would consider a good budget hunting scope.
I bought a burris E1this year and it's not as good a scope, noticeable difference in quality to my eye.
I don't know what they get for their scopes but I suspect if they come in in the op's price range they would be good scopes. I was living in Greeley when they opened their door's. Owned by two brother that both worked for Redfield in Denver prior to going on their own.
Seeing a lot of love for Leupold, Nikon, and Burris.

I have a Nikon prostaff 3-9x40 on my other rifle, and by the conversation I’m kinda being swayed to stick to what I know. It would prevent needing any adjustment l when going between rifles at the very least….but variety is also the spice of life.
I have a couple Nikon 3-9x scopes and no problems but, my understanding is Nikon has quit selling scopes. Had a problem with a 4 1/2-14 Nikon and sent it back. They wouldn't fix or replace it but instead let my choose from what they had up to the new price of the scopeDidn't care for that but ended up with a nice set of binocular's.
I would say Burris and swfa. I would start with the swfa ultralight and see if that will work. I haven't used one only seen reviews. I've been thinking about one for a kids rifle with similar needs as yourself.
I bought a used leupold vx1 off ebay for $160. It was damaged and I saw this in the picture. That's why the price didn't go up. As soon as I got it I sent it straight to Leupold. I had a brand new scope 2 weeks later.

Might be an option if you aren't in a hurry.
In Randy's podcast with the Leupold guys, they were saying that optics technology has advanced a lot just in the last several (10?) years. Maybe not to the Moore's Law level, but that statement almost made me want to upgrade some of my older scopes bought 10-15 years ago
I put a Sig Sauer 3-9x40 Buckmaster on my Ruger American 308 and it performed fantastic for me on a whitetail hunt in NY. Weather was very damp and no fogging issues. Buck went down and when an antlerless deer came down the hill I could clearly see the button knobs and did not shoot (landowner was okay with killing a doe but not any yearling bucks). I also have a Burris Fullfield and while never have used it in a hunting situation is does well at the range. If you can find a secondhand or leftover Nikon (original Buckmaster branded scopes) those are also a decent economy optic.